Saturday, August 19, 2023

Free Speech?

 Woke Left is on war-footing to change everything about British life, says CAROLE MALONE.

But of course we all know The Woke don’t get jokes – especially jokes at the expense of other Wokies like Meghan and so they sound the battle cry – usually on Twitter - and go charging into full on “cancel” mode.
But back to Clarkson – what he’s saying here is deadly serious - the ideological Left has put itself on a war footing and the objective is to change every single thing about our society until it conforms with its own narrow, bigoted view of life – and history.
Just look around you and see them changing the names of our towns and streets because 200 years ago the benefactor of those towns – once had connections with the slave trade.
Newsflash! Most businessmen 200 years ago here, and around the world, had “connections” with the slave trade.
Look at our schools - kids are being indoctrinated by left wing teachers who are telling them that all white people are racists - they just don’t know it. And it’s called Unconscious Bias.
Many of these teachers take it upon themselves to mangle and distort the facts of history so that the Brits always come out as the oppressors, the bad guys (why do they hate Britain so much?)
We have entire police forces that have been indoctrinated by the Left and who do little to catch real criminals – the ones who kill, rape and beat the crap out of people.
Nope, they spend their time patrolling, not the streets, but the cesspit that is social media looking for people they can prosecute for what THEY’VE decided are hate crimes.
In the workplace people can’t be sacked or actually made to do work any more because if their employer dares to tell them they’re slacking and to get on and do what they’re paid for, they’ll hotfoot it to HR and wail that the boss man is “damaging my mental health”.
Young people are graduating from universities having spent years being given “trigger warnings” by left wing Woke lecturers that the stuff they’re studying might be violent or nasty even if it's fictional. Fantastic preparation for the outside world – NOT!
And we have an Opposition Leader in this country - Keir Starmer - who is so terrified of Leftie ideologists that he’s too scared to state the obvious - that women don’t have a penis for example.
And many of his equally terrified MP’s follow his weasley lead tying themselves up in knots trying to define what a woman is.
And why are we allowing the Woke Army to pass laws that allow young people under the age of 16 to change gender without any medical or psychiatric intervention?
Why is the Woke Army - some of them actual MP’s - calling for the deaths and the decapitation of women who dare to defend women’s rights against those advocating gender reform for teenagers? These lunatics should be locked up for God’s sake. But they aren’t. Why?
And don’t get me started on the telly where The Wokies have infiltrated, as Clarkson says, everything from politics to drama to TV adverts.
And don’t expect the BBC - which YOU pay for - to ever give you impartial reportage of the news.
It’s no longer part of their remit even though that’s the basis on which they are given our licence fee money.
Every TV drama hammers home a Left wing message - that the Right is evil, that all Tory politicians are scum and not to be trusted.
Even our beloved soaps have been banging out storylines – Coronation Street in particular - about people coming here on boats and about how vile this Government is in not giving each and every one of them a home – even though many are coming from safe countries, some are killers and others are known criminals.
There’s never any nuance or balance in these storylines. No suggestion that many - not all - of the people coming here are simply taking advantage of our very generous system (the UK asylum grant rate at the initial stage is nearly THREE times more than that of France which is why none of them want to stay in France).
Or that many are coming from safe countries in order to milk Britain.
Never any mention in these storylines that Britain is one of the most generous countries in the world to genuine refugees. Nope, there’s only two players in their scenario – the wonderful caring Woke mob and vile Far Right thugs who want every asylum seeker who comes here taken out and shot.
As for the Wokest of all our TV stations - the BBC - nothing it does surprises me any more.
Not when it's currently acting as an apologist for the vile, narcissistic terrorist, Shamima Begum, by allowing her to redeem herself in a 10-part podcast called “I’m not a monster.” (your licence fee money is paying for THAT!!!)
Thanks to the Woke Army that has taken over the ranks at the BBC, our national broadcaster, is fast becoming our national shame.
They’re giving a voice to a woman who told a reporter recently that she was “over” the deaths of her three children and that the biggest tragedy of the last few years in Syria is that hasn’t been able to get her favourite Mint Aero chocolate bar - never mind the beheadings, the burning of people in cages, the rape of women and children - no Shamima’s tragedy is not being able to get her favourite chocolate.
And tell me this, how come the Woke Army has been allowed to demonise all white middle aged men - and women for that matter - dismissing their opinions, everything they think and say as “toxic” or racist. I mean how bloody dare they!?
They tried to “cancel” Jeremy Clarkson because he was a white middle aged man, as if that was justification enough for trying to destroy him.
So why has being white and middle aged in Britain suddenly become a crime? Because it means that great swathes of people in this country are being dismissed as “vile and toxic”.
And because we happen to vehemently disagree with what the Woke Army says - we simply don’t count because we’re actually evil.
But just who is this Woke Army? Where does it hang out? Who are its foot soldiers? We need to see their faces.
And how the Hell has this invisible, but powerful force infiltrated every corporation, every business, every corner of this country and managed to terrify everyone into keeping silent? Express.
