Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Please Pray For The Tarfa Family.

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Continue praying for the Tarfa family 
Earlier this year, we celebrated the release from imprisonment in Nigeria of Professor Tarfa, co-founder of the Du Merci centres for vulnerable children, after his conviction on false charges of forgery was overturned. He was initially arrested on Christmas Day in 2019 and spent most of the next three years imprisoned.  

However, the ordeal is not over yet. 

Despite the professor’s acquittal in 2021 of child abduction charges, 16 Du Merci children are still being held in government orphanages. They are traumatised by the lengthy separation from the Professor and Mrs Tarfa, and several have experienced emotional and physical abuse. 

As you may have seen on our social media, the court case for the return of the children is ongoing. On 24 July, the hearing was adjourned until 20 September, when the Tarfas have been told to bring copies of court judgements dismissing the prosecution’s false claim that the Du Merci centre ran a baby-making factory. 

As the court case to secure their release continues, please raise your voice with ours to pray for the Tarfa family. Pray particularly:

  • For the Tarfas as they deal with this continued separation and the long wait for justice.
  • For the children’s freedom and for the Tamily to be reunited soon. 
  • For God to restore all that has been lost to them, for compensation and for reparations. 
