Friday, September 08, 2023

More Tory Incompetence.

 While Putin gathers strength, Britain is disarming itself.

The decision to cut Army personnel by almost 10,000 means that we are currently unable to deploy an armoured warfighting division
Joseph Stalin is famously said to have dismissed the Catholic Church by asking “The Pope? How many divisions has he?”. If his successor Vladimir Putin were to ask the same of Britain, the answer may soon be “none”.... DT.

Today's Blog Is Entirely Dedicated To Those Butchered In The Pogrom of One Year Ago Today. Remember To Pray Against All Those Involved Who Have Not Yet Been Punished. If Hostages Remain Alive - Pray For Their Release.

After the October 7 pogrom . Brendan O'Neill has written a savage and necessary analysis of the moral depravity of the west. Melanie Phi...