Saturday, September 02, 2023

Our INjustice System Strikes Again!

Furious mother of murdered Becky Watts slams parole board after girlfriend who helped killer murder her daughter and chop up her body is released after just eight years

  • Shauna Hoare was released under licence today after serving half her sentence 
  • She was found guilty of the manslaughter of Bristol teen Becky Watts in 2015

Today's Blog Is Entirely Dedicated To Those Butchered In The Pogrom of One Year Ago Today. Remember To Pray Against All Those Involved Who Have Not Yet Been Punished. If Hostages Remain Alive - Pray For Their Release.

After the October 7 pogrom . Brendan O'Neill has written a savage and necessary analysis of the moral depravity of the west. Melanie Phi...