Friday, December 29, 2023

Please Excuse Me While I Spit!

 ROME — A Catholic parish in southern Italy has exhibited a Nativity scene featuring the Virgin Mary together with another woman in place of Saint Joseph.

Father Vitaliano Della Sala, the pastor of the parish of Saints Peter and Paul in the southern province of Avellino, said he created the provocative crèche scene to underscore the changing shape of families and the need for a more inclusive Church.

I placed “two mothers in the crèche,” Father Della Sala wrote on Facebook. “This year I see the light of Christmas also shining on these families affected by inhuman and anti-evangelical criticism and condemnation.”

There are “so many ways of being a family” because “nothing is impossible with God!” he said.


Blogger: any Christian Church must STOP heresy within its ranks.
