Monday, February 05, 2024

A Little Hint of Justice - Maybe Expensive and Not Up To Singapore Standards But Not Bad ... Not Bad.


Inside the dreary London flat that hid a quiet couple's fortune made from a £700m cocaine

Arti Dhir, 59, (centre) and her younger husband Kaval Raijada, 35, (right) were both sentenced to 33 years in prison this week after they were found to have smuggled the cocaine to Australia between 2019 and 2021. The pair laundered money through a 'Breaking Bad' style car wash, moved £3million in boxes and suitcases around different storage sites in the capital and hid seven gold-plated bullion bars (top right) in a punchbag at their grubby flat. They escaped extradition over the murder of an 11-year-old boy in India and spent at least four years planning their criminal enterprise, the National Crime Agency told The Sun. New photos have revealed the couple's grimy flat (left) which they used to store illegal items, featuring a grotty red carpet, stained walls and rundown furniture.

Learning From Joseph.