Friday, February 16, 2024


Bishop quits Living in Love and Faith post after appointment of conservative theological adviser.

Staff writer  02 February 2024 

A Pride flag flies at the Church of St Peter & St Pauls in Bromley, Kent.(Photo: Getty/iStock)

The Bishop of Newcastle has resigned from her role in the Church of England's Living in Love and Faith (LLF) process following the appointment of a conservative vicar as interim theological adviser to the House of Bishops. 

LLF is the Church of England's ongoing process of discernment around the issues of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage, which last year led to General Synod approving plans to introduce prayers of blessing for same-sex couples. 

Bishop Helen-Ann Hartley, an advocate for LGBT equality in the Church of England, was co-lead of the LLF alongside the Bishop of Leicester, Martyn Snow, who is to remain in post.

The Bishop of Newcastle said she was stepping down over concerns about the process that led to the appointment of Rev Dr Tom Woolford as interim theology adviser to the House of Bishops. 

"It has become clear to me in the last 48 hours that there are serious concerns relating to the recent process of appointing an Interim Theological Advisor to the House of Bishops. This was, and is not, an LLF appointment, and neither Bishop Martyn nor myself were involved in it," she said. 

"Whilst the remit of the theological advisor is broader than any matters relating to LLF, there is no doubt that LLF remains front and centre in the life of our Church at this time.

"What has transpired in the last 48 hours has had a critically negative impact on the work Bishop Martyn and I were seeking, in good faith, to do. My role as co-lead bishop for the LLF process is now undermining my capacity to fulfil my primary calling, to lead and care for the people and places of the Diocese of Newcastle."

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