Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Greatest Scam In History.

'I've just watched an amazing documentary dismantling the climate change theory'.

Fergus Kelley talks climate change, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and the Middle East.

20:02, Tue, Apr 16, 2024.

Climate change protest

Many people are worried about climate change (Image: Getty)

I’ve just watched the most extraordinary documentary film, which comprehensively rejects and exposes the climate emergency hysteria that grips the Western world.

But you won’t be able to view it on the BBC or ITV. Climate: The Movie is available only on YouTube here (and I’m grateful to an article by Toby Young in The Spectator magazine for alerting me to it).

It shatters the great lie, endlessly parroted by mainstream broadcasters, that there is a scientific consensus on man-made climate change. Not least because those who feature on screen are among the most eminent scientists of their generation. They include William Happer, a professor of physics at Princeton University, who has advised three American presidents, and says: “The climate alarm is nonsense... it’s a hoax.”

Then there’s John F Clauser, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2022, who says: “I assert there is no connection whatsoever between CO2 and climate change.”

Or how about Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace? “There is no truth to the idea that the Earth is warmer now than it has been in the past. It’s a lie.” The film, written and produced by a film-maker called Martin Durkin, shows actual data – not that curse of the age, modelling – to illustrate that even if CO2 was responsible for rising global temperatures, its levels are close today to being as low as they have been for the past half million years, even with the contribution of modern industry.

Data also shows forest fires are decreasing over the past century; the incidence of hurricanes hasn’t changed over the same period, even that polar bear numbers are actually increasing.

But thanks to vast state funding throughout the West since the Cold War ended, a trillion-pound renewables industry has grown up in a couple of decades which cannot admit the slightest hint that it is based on not just deeply flawed, but deliberately misleading, opinion.

Worst of all, this very lucrative Big Green doom-mongering now forms a mutual support act with governments and supra-national bodies, that increase their own power by forcing us to comply with ever stricter regulation. All based on a rejection of the capitalism that has made more people on the planet more affluent than at any other time in history.

Climate: The Movie is a rare and refreshing rebuttal of that incredibly powerful climate changeconspiracy. Watch it for yourself.

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