Tuesday, May 14, 2024

19 Solid Years of Of Palestinian Warmongering. Israel's Calmness and Patience Has Been Awesome. The Evil of 7.10.23 Was The Breaking Point!

 20,000 rockets!

Since 2005, Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza have launched over 20,000 rockets and mortars at Israel, carried out more than one hundred suicide bombings, and dug dozens of terror tunnels into Israeli communities—all at the expense of the people of Gaza. 
(But remember that Hamas etc want the people of Gaza to suffer so they can be used as a political tool.)
Blogger: let us remember too that, since the UN created the New Israel in 1948, Israel has been treacherously invaded five times by Islamic states that want to see it removed from the face of the earth - many of whom constantly proclaim this!

A Verse of Great Encouragement.