Friday, June 21, 2024

Even Worse.

 CSW. The situation in North Korea is even worse today.

Today marks the 17th anniversary of the publication of our milestone report detailing first-hand accounts of religious freedom violations against Christians and other human rights atrocities.

North Korea: A Case to Answer – A Call to Act, stated that there was a case for the commission of crimes against humanity and concluded that there were indicators of genocide against religious groups, specifically Christians.

We were among the first Western organisations to highlight the scale of these atrocities and our report led to a United Nations Commission of Inquiry. Sadly, the situation is even worse today.

Please, will you support people in North Korea and elsewhere who face discrimination and violence for their beliefs?

People in North Korea who are caught or suspected of practicing Christianity are known to face severe punishment, including torture, detention in political prison camp system, and even execution. Many of our contacts believe that the persecution of Christians in North Korea has stayed at the same level, or has worsened, in the past decade under Kim Jong Un. 

An expert on North Korea told us: ‘The few cases that we do have about people who have practiced religion or come in contact, or even been in the process of smuggling religious materials (mostly Bibles) they would have the harshest punishment of political prison camps and also the death penalty.’

Please will you donate £4 to support people targeted for their beliefs in North Korea and around the world?

Your gifts will help people in countries such as North Korea, where donations will enable us to advocate for sanctions and greater accountability for Chinese authorities (who routinely forcibly return people to North Korea) and continue to document and report human rights violations. Gifts can also help North Korean refugees as we work with agencies to help them resettle in safe countries.

Grace and peace,

Scot Bower

PS. Play your part in helping people in North Korea and elsewhere by making a gift today.

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