Monday, June 24, 2024

Meritocracy Is The Best System If You Want The Best People In Top Jobs - Not Those With Money, 'Class', Connections et al.

 What does Plato say about meritocracy?

Plato's concept of a merit-based society, also known as a meritocracy, is a system in which individuals are selected for positions of power and influence based on their abilities, skills, and virtues rather than their social status or wealth.
It is claimed, however, largely by the left, that a meritocracy has negative effects on lower income groups. 
This is the same flawed thinking which led to the catastrophic destruction of most grammar schools. This had a devastating, negative effect on children from the lower classes who had previously been given means to rise in society.
I know. I was one of the many children from a lower class background given an opportunity to rise into the professional world.
Having taught in comprehensive schools for some 28 years, I can declare that lower class children have been tragically ill-served by them.

Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?