Sunday, August 04, 2024

Riots In Hull et al.

Hmm. I wonder what caused all of these horrors? Fortunately, we have a PM who knows in an instant where the problem lies (even before he's got any real feedback from the streets. Wow. What a guy!) It is the hard right behind it all! Fact. (Even though Tommy Robinson is a 1,000 miles away on holiday!) Odd that, innit? - No, really! It is odd.

(Any road up, we can always blame Farage a total man of peace.)

We'd better get Yvette to threaten all these toughs with the full powers of the Law being brought to bear. Sorry. Why is there so much raucous laughter? - Several of these thugs could be facing 6 months of their lives doing probation with 2, perhaps 3, one hour meetings they'll have to attend with their PO. That's if they bovver to go to one - that'll be alright. See Labour knows how to strike terror into the hearts and minds of fascist, Nazi running dogs.
This person looks profoundly suspicious to me. Clearly she is a total rightist POSING alongside that fascist symbol known as The Union Flag! She obviously can't be from the good-guy left - they all abhor this symbol.

So what do we really know?

Yes. There are some hard right scum out there but also:

1) A number of vicious, stirring, hard left yobs wanting to confront the rightists and anyone else. (Attacks on police their speciality.)
2) Very ordinary, apolitical people protesting against the destruction of their ways of life by floods of migrants - perpetrated by governments of all hues over decades.
3) Anger and fear about dangerous illegals being unleashed onto our society.
4) Lack of housing because of excessive migration.
5) Jobs lost to incomers.
6) Our heavily overcrowded country, with 720 people per square mile, is the 2nd most populous in the Western World. (We would have been top if our nation had been as flat as Holland.)
7) Provocative behaviour. The police started it by turning up.
8) Probably the biggest single group has consisted of: criminals, yobs and troublemakers of no beliefs whatsoever.
9) An absence of: baton charges, tear gas, water cannon and - for the more extreme cases - rubber bullets.
10) The biggest factor of them all is a total lack of fear from the consequences of their foul actions whilst so many police just stand around watching. Strangely however - more police than usual in the front line than when Just Stop Oil perform their shenanigans. Why?
11) Integration (good) being replaced by diversity (appallingly bad.)
12) Ordinary people do not like being lied to by liberal politicians from at least eight political parties in the UK.
13) A nation will pay a price for sidelining God.

Note that I have opted not to mention the deceased children in  Southport.

Learning From Joseph.