My new book is a manifesto for saving western civilisation.

The book puts forward a ten-point programme for a counter-cultural resistance movement, an alliance of all who want western civilisation to survive and which would reassert its foundational values.
This alliance must be drawn from all cultures and groups. However, if the west is to save itself it must listen to the Jewish people it has so frighteningly abandoned — whose unique selling point, after all, is cultural survival, and whose ideas and moral precepts lie at the core of Christianity and of western civilisation itself. While Israel will survive and thrive, the west is doomed unless it chooses to reaffirm its Jewish roots rather than destroy them.
You can buy a copy of the book on here and on here.
Here’s a sneak preview in the chapter below, which I’m providing exclusively for my paying subscribers.
From The Builder’s Stone: How Jews and Christians Built the West – and Why Only They Can Save It.
The West is poised at a momentous and fateful juncture. I have written for many years about the onslaught being mounted against Western society by its enemies, both within and without.
I have never felt such a strong sense of living at a key turning point in the history of civilisation itself—until now...