Sunday, January 12, 2025

We Need To Worry About Keir!

Camilla Tominey

Should we all be getting just a little bit worried

 for Sir Keir Starmer?

Famous sufferers of PDS include the Archbishop of Canterbury, 
Kamala Harris and the Duchess of Sussex. I suspect the Prime 
Minister is next.
Keir Starmer
Camilla TomineyAssociate Editor
21 December 2024 11:00am GMT
Camilla Tominey
Is it possible that the Prime Minister could be suffering from Progressive Derangement Syndrome, also known as PDS? 
Characterised by an inability to acknowledge how bad your decision-making has been – let alone apologise for it – the condition is typically fuelled by a moral superiority complex.
Symptoms include finding “sorry” to be the hardest word and accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being a racist or a bigot.
Those presenting with PDS can often display narcissistic traits and have a tendency to double down on their actions, insisting they are right and everyone else is wrong. They can also appear to have trouble practising what they preach and may end up saying one thing and then doing another.
Famous sufferers include the Archbishop of Canterbury, Kamala Harris and the Duchess of Sussex.
In the case of Sir Keir Starmer, the PDS first emerged when he was shadow Brexit secretary and tried to reverse a once-in-a-lifetime, democratic vote to leave the EU.
But since he took office his condition has become much more serious, as evidenced by his recent declaration that he has no regrets about his first six months in power.
In perhaps the most severe case of PDS to date, he insisted that there was nothing he would have done differently despite facing a backlash over an inheritance tax hike for farmers, the decision to strip pensioners of their winter fuel allowance and accusations of betraying the so-called Waspi women who faced changes to their state pension age.
When questioned over donorgate, the sudden departure of his chief of staff Sue Gray and the economic calamity resulting from Rachel Reeves’s Budget, he told the Liaison Committee: “We had to do tough stuff, we are getting on with it and I am very pleased to be delivering and delivering from a position of power rather than going round the division lobbies and losing every night. I have had too much of that.”
PDS is thought to have originated in Canada and quickly spread to America during Barack Obama’s presidency. David Cameron is believed to have contracted the disease in 2016 when the former prime minister hosted a joint press conference with his US counterpart suggesting Brexit would put the UK at the “back of the queue” for a trade deal.  DT.


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