Saturday, September 23, 2006

Desmond Tutu - "lose respect!"

Well. I have always been a bit of a fan of Archbishop Tutu on the quiet but no longer. His recent autobiography condemns Rowan Williams for "surrendering on the issue [homosexual clergy] to appease the African Bishops." He speaks of the Church sticking to Biblical teaching as "outrageous".
As the Archbishop does not grasp basic Christian concepts of sin, I shall explain. Sin separates Man from God. God the Son died to redeem us from the eternal consequences of that sin. EVERY person may share in that salvation BUT it is only granted on the basis of repentance; turning away from sin.
If an individual chooses to wallow in that sin, then there has clearly been no repentance and can be no salvation. Let us be clear, homosexual practice (NOT inclination - note the honourable course of a recent Archbishop of York, David Hope) is classed as sin in BOTH Testaments. "Gay Christian" is an oxymoron. A "Christian struggling to do God's will and reject sin in his or her life" is normal.
We may not add our own opinions to Scripture. We may not see how society is developing and then require Christianity to adjust and conform. God is not a God of fads and fashions. Perhaps this will help you to grasp fundamental concepts, Des?

A Church in Crisis.