Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Has Labour learned a lesson?

The Tories under Major began the process of providing tax disincentives for marriage. From that tiny seed, New Labour has toiled relentlessly to wreck that principal 'building block of society' - and with great success.
Never mind that every piece of research, irrespective of source, has proved not only that children are better raised in a stable, two parent home but that married partners do a better job than cohabiting couples.
Of course, you must always fly in the very face of the facts if you have an urgent feminist or politically correct principle that has to be considered more important than the needs of children. Dare I say that this is not rocket science but just basic common sense?
Now, John Hutton, the Work and Pensions Secretary, seems to have recognised that condemning children and seeing many more from single parent homes: fail at school, take drugs, abuse alcohol, gain criminal records and fail in their own relationships is socially detrimental. Perhaps it is just the taxpayer having to fund the consequences. Whatever his thinking, he seems to be waking up! "The evidence for the superiority of the two parent family could not be ignored" was his statement last week.
So, one Labour politician has got the message. Only another 300 or so to go!

A Church in Crisis.