Saturday, September 16, 2006

Forgiveness for WHO?

It was Oscar Wilde who said that "When a man knows he is going to be hanged in the morning - it concentrates the mind wonderfully." Undoubtedly, one positive side effect of capital punishment was that the felon was rapidly forced to come to terms with his mortality - and I would wager that a very high percentage repented and were saved in the runup to their execution. *
With long prison terms, there are fewer im
mediate imperatives to consider the claims of the Gospel. There are notable exceptions, one such is David Berkowitz - 'Son of Sam' - who has seemingly become a believer. It is of course, impossible to know whether this is genuine or simply game playing and self publicity.
With a history of Satanism, the occult and six murders behind him, this serial killer has had a website dedicated to his newly found faith. It is unlikely that this is a "parole board conversion" as he has no prospects of anything other than dying in prison.

Christ died for the salvation of sinners. Berkowitz is not excluded because of his evil past!

* This point was significantly reinforced, albeit unintentionally, in a Daily Mail article on the 23/9/06 which looked at the final statements of those executed in the last 15 years or so in California.


LINK to FICTIONAL serial killer who looks at faith issues.

A Church in Crisis.