Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Freedom of speech abolished.

It is now official. Freedom of speech in the UK has been abolished. Evangelical Stephen Green has not only been arrested for peacefully handing out leaflets in Cardiff but has been charged with "Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour."
The National Director of the excellent 'Christian Voice' was merely handing out pamphlets which quoted the Word of God regarding the practice of sodomy at a homosexual,'mardi gras' event in Cardiff.
It is appalling that good Christian people should be persecuted whilst deviants are protected.

Freedom of expression is no more. I urge people NEVER again to vote for this mean-spirited, anti-God, liberal elite of the three main parties which is utterly destroying this nation.

Again, I make the point that perhaps only UKIP merits a vote BUT if things do not change soon - be prepared to welcome the BNP as a leader in what remains of our democratic processes.

You do not even have to agree with Stephen to end up feeling deeply disturbed by the direction in which the UK is going.

[Text of the leaflet. You judge whether it warrants an arrest.]

A Church in Crisis.