Six out of 8 photos on Crimewatch's 'Most Wanted' last night were of people from ethnic minorities and/or recent immigrants.
That phenomenal percentage of 75% has been common over many years on that programme.
The numbers of immigrants who are criminal is clearly disproportionate to their numbers.
I make no point out of this other than to highlight a fact which other media and politicians are not prepared to raise.
Refusing to acknowledge facts is likely to result in increased levels of racism.
That phenomenal percentage of 75% has been common over many years on that programme.
The numbers of immigrants who are criminal is clearly disproportionate to their numbers.
I make no point out of this other than to highlight a fact which other media and politicians are not prepared to raise.
Refusing to acknowledge facts is likely to result in increased levels of racism.
Concealment does not fool the populace - it just breeds bitterness and resentment.
It is very tempting too for Christians to try to play down the issue - it is a mistake!
PS. If you know the whereabouts of any of this unholy octet - please call the Police!