We shall have to wait a month to see what will happen. (Were the system to have allowed them to be put down, I for one would not have complained.)
Nonetheless, this is not my main point today. We have already seen how the 'non-punishers' prefer to turn their attentions onto the innocent majority and - it is happening again.
Yesterday, these appalling people turned their attention away from the vile persons above and began to make calls for camera phones to be banned by all those who work with young children.
So. I am one of the 99.999% of innocents and I possess a camera phone. I must now go out and purchase a different phone because of the misdeeds of a tiny minority? - Scandalous!
Please do not think that I have turned away from Christian attitudes. I am still quite prepared to pray for repentance from the above that they might ultimately achieve salvation.
It is always necessary to distinguish between earthly and heavenly justice. Such people should never escape their earthly consequences but God is prepared to forgive even them!