Saturday, March 06, 2010

Atheism never used to be this nasty.

There was a time when atheists made the Roman Catholic Church a target - and not always with poor reasoning.
Their spleen was generally vented at the institution rather than the beliefs, however.

The protestant churches were largely seen as inconsequential in the bigger picture and with the noted exception of snake-biting, poison drinking, racist, holy roller churches in the Deep South of the USA - there was an attitude of 'live and let live'.

That has now gone. The leftist atheists are spoiling for a fight; they disrespect belief; they use puerile arguments as to the existence of God; they lack the understanding of Christianity enjoyed by previous generations because few under 50 have had any sort of education based on this central point of the nation's culture.

They are spiteful; undemocratic; intolerant. They invent 'dangers' of having Christian belief; they claim to have science on their side; they mislead and demand the right to propagandise.

On radio, where everything is 99% secular - they demand part of the 1% where there is a 'God slot'.

They invent piffle about Christian schools; they try to exclude Christians from adoption & fostering; they would like to see no Christians amongst the magistracy or on school Boards of Governors or in any position of influence. They welcome muslim shows of belief and call it 'culture' but the wearing of a Christian symbol can get you sacked.

They insist that your beliefs must conform to theirs or the whole machinery of society will fall on your head.
Christians are required to believe things which go against Scripture. There will be no respect afforded.

THEY have the upper hand; THEY are in power: THEY are proof that the devil exists.
Their fight is relentless. It is a matter not of men but of principalities and powers'.

The fight is a spiritual one and that starts right here - ON THIS BLOG.

Please pass the Blog's address to all Christians who have not become diluted and infected by the things above.
On second thoughts, perhaps you could also send to those who have been affected - maybe it would show them that 'He who sups with the devil should eat with a long spoon'!
