Saturday, March 13, 2010

The well-meaning Rev.

The Reverend George Hargreaves runs The Christian Party - an inconsequential, political group which has appeared under various guises in recent years.
I just adore the man! An amazing Christian; straightforward; dedicated; sincere.
BUT - oh dear! Heaven protect us from the terminally well-meaning!
I have just seen him on Revelation TV where he wisely failed to mention that his party's intervention in the EU Elections was directly responsible for the election of Nick Griffin, BNP leader, as an MEP in the North West!

He seems utterly oblivious to the fact that he is actually doing more harm than good.
(Check the voting in the North West for yourself if you do not believe me.)
Furthermore, only a few percent of the electorate would ever vote for a Christian Party just because it exists and this rate will never change until after a massive revival - and not necessarily even then - not even under the most beneficial system of PR.
Last September in Southport, I was staggered by the number of Christians I met who belong to UKIP. As far as I know, no research has been done on this but I just could not believe that other parties have as many Christians in their ranks.

In politics, Christians must be 'as wise as serpents, as gentle as doves' - the Reverend Hargreaves has only accomplished half of this necessity.
The IRONY contained on that billboard is just startling!
