Monday, March 22, 2010

Conscience: an example.

Police are investigating after [homosexual couple] Michael Black, 62, and John Morgan, 56, complained that the owner of the Swiss B&B in Cookham, near Maidenhead in Berkshire, had unlawfully discriminated against them by not allowing them to share a double bed in the house which is her home.

This incident reinforces a point I have been making recently. Mrs Wilkinson is not permitted a conscience whilst Messrs Black & Morgan are.
Even if I were a practising homosexual, I think that I would feel embarrassed at such a moral imbalance.
What these two gentlemen choose to do is none of my business - it is a matter which ultimately they must sort out with God and I have no problem whatsoever that they have social freedom to act in a way which I personally believe to be sinful.
How come my views and those of Mrs Wilkinson are owed no respect? - It is not even that these are my views alone - I merely reflect what God has taught us in the Scriptures. I do not pretend that the Bible is really saying something different.
Anti-religious prejudice has been legitimised under bad law.
Human rights must never be a matter of supporting one group to the utter detriment and ostracisation of another.
