Sunday, October 17, 2010

For this wisdom -many thanks to Peter Hitchens.

'Why, we’ll ask, did we give our nation away...
If an occupying power did to us what the European Union does – carted off huge piles of national wealth, robbed us of our right to make our own foreign policy or laws, abolished our passports, compelled us to import its goods at preferential rates, cut us off from the English-speaking world while forcing us to allow in ­millions of continental workers (inclu­ding doctors who cannot speak English), dem­anded the right to arrest our people and carry them off to unfair trials on the Continent, ordered our MPs and courts about, closed rural post offices, fined market traders for selling vege­tables in pounds and ounces – we’d be in revolt.
But because our own political leaders allow this to happen, anyone who opposes the EU membership that lies behind all this is dismissed as an extremist or meaninglessly sneered at as a ‘Little Englander’. One day, people will wonder why.'

He is only correct in the final sentence providing that our 'education system' has not totally educated out what little common sense remains from those who are its products!

Read more:

Absolute Proof That We Have A Two-Tier 'Justice' System!