Even the IPCC admits there has been no global warming since 1995. We have seen falsified statistics at the University of East Anglia and in New Zealand (Kiwigate, largely unreported in Europe).
We also know of the 'mini ice-age' in the early 19th century which gives all statistics limited to the last 150 years an unreliable slant.There is not a 'scientific consensus' on man-made global warming, the Manhattan Declaration and the group letter by German scientists to Angela Merkel. For those with eyes to see we also know that for the last month those absurd windmills have not been turning.
Let's demand a freeze on current energy policy, all subsidies and a detailed response from the coalition on the recent efficiency of so-called sustainable energy.
We stand on the abyss of an energy disaster, thousands will die and industry will find energy too expensive. Return energy policy from the failed EU and put it in the hands of an independent commission before it's too late.
Godfrey Bloom, UKIP MEP, for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.