Thursday, January 20, 2011

Christian hoteliers.

I would be a little less angry over the court decision which awarded £3,600 compensation against a Christian couple who refused to allow two homosexual 'plants' to share a bed under their roof were I personally convinced that precisely the same thing would have happened if an Islamic couple had found themselves in precisely the same circumstances.
We ALL know this would NEVER happen in our sweet PC world - the double standards make me fizz.

“Mr and Mrs Bull have been victims of persecution. If they choose not to do business with homosexuals, that should be their concern alone. They are using their own property and using up their own time. They should be at liberty to associate or not associate as they please. Any law that says otherwise is morally indefensible.
“We are told that this prosecution has been a ‘victory for human rights’. It has not.
“Every person has the right to life and justly-acquired property, and to do with his own whatever does not infringe the equal rights of others.
“From this primary right can be derived all the rights of the liberal tradition – freedom of expression and contract and association, together with security against oppressive or arbitrary behaviour by the State.
“It does not generate any right not to be hated or despised or shunned.
“It does not justify laws against discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, religion or sexual orientation, or laws against expressing or inciting hatred against any group.
“By forcing people to associate with or contract with persons whom they would otherwise reject, anti-discrimination laws are an attack on life and property. They are a form of coerced association. They give some people uncompensated claims on others. They amount to a form of slavery mediated by the State.
“Politically correct authoritarians like to hail each new set of anti-discrimination laws as an extension of human rights. Such laws are in fact violations of the only human rights that mean anything.

Dr Sean Gabb.

Considering The Damage To Our Nation Caused By Sky-High Migration, It Must Now Drop To Near Zero. We Are Already The Most Overcrowded Major Nation In The Western World!

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