Sunday, July 31, 2011

Eritrean Persecutions Continue.

Jul 29 2011

'Eritrean officials have arrested 90 Christians since May – and more than a quarter of them are college students, according to Release partners.
According to fresh, more detailed reports from Release Eritrea, the authorities detained 64 believers in Adi Abeyto, a village near the capital, Asmara, in May. Only six have since been released – and the rest are thought to be detained at a police station in Asmara or in the notorious Mitire military prison.
Last month, 26 students from Mai-Mefhi College of Technology, south-west of Asmara, were arrested – and, at the time of writing, they were apparently still detained at an unknown location. Release Eritrea sources suggest that some of the students may also have been transferred to Mitire Prison.
Mitire is a remote military prison, located between the town of Nakfa and the coast, where 'torture and extremely harsh treatment are rife', according to Release Eritrea. Of the 12 Christian detainees known to have died in Eritrea since 2002, three were at Mitire.' Release International.

To Be A Leftie - Do You Have To Be Featherbrained?

More Proof That Breivik Is No Fundamentalist.

'A study of Breivik’s manifesto reveals that the initial claims he is a Christian fundamentalist are way off. In his writings Brevik stresses the supremacy of European culture and hails the work of Charles Darwin.' John Mackay.

Our Norm.

It is articles like this which remind me why I used to think so highly of Norman Tebbitt. He was despised utterly by the left - but if you analyse why - it was simply because he always talked down-to-earth, pure, undiluted common sense as if he'd never heard of politics.
The left and 'common sense' do not fit well together.

Does Peter Hitchens Ever Fail To Talk sense?

When Will Europhiles Start To Believe The Truth?

In an interview with Stern, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said: "Bailed-out countries should give up part of their sovereignty to the EU."
What, MORE?
Wherever the EU appears to be helping - there is always a concealed power grab! It is infrequent that these sordid people are this honest.

Pride Ain't Just For Lions!

I have visited many countries and in each - national pride is intense with S. Africa being no exception.
Funny how our lefties will not permit us such attitudes at home!


Many moons ago, David Willets was considered to be 'the rising star' (with added luminescent tendencies) of the tory party.
That was indeed a long time ago. Since then he has had other tendencies - towards the liberal wing of what has long been a left of centre unit, in any case.
BUT, at last he has had a bright idea, it's been a long time-a-comin', admittedly - but at least it has arrived as printed in today's Sunday Telegraph:
'Mr Willetts said the Government was looking for a "transformation" in the amount of information students receive in proposals outlined in the long-awaited White Paper on higher education.
In an interview with BBC Breakfast, he said: "There are some courses that are far better at preparing young people for the world of work than others. At the moment, the student finds it very hard to get that information.
"In future, they are going to be able to see “If I do biological sciences at one university, I have got a much better chance of a job in a pharmaceutical company than if I do biological sciences at a different university.'

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Simply Appalling!

'David Armstrong, a supply teacher, escaped jail with a suspended sentence after admitting possessing 4,500 indecent images of children.
As she allowed the 63-year-old to walk free from court, Judge Mary Jane Mowat told him: “I don't criticise you for being a teacher who's attracted to children.' Telegraph.

An extra large LoonyTunesWatch Coconut for da judge!

By His Own Admission - Not A Christian.

"A majority of so called agnostics and atheists in Europe are cultural conservative Christians without even knowing it. So what is the difference between cultural Christians and religious Christians? If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God then you are a religious Christian. Myself and many more like me do not necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God. We do however believe in Christianity as a cultural, social, identity and moral platform. This makes us Christian." Anders Breivik.
Or put another way - he ISN'T a Christian at all - and is streets away from being an evangelical or even fundamentalist! ( Ironically, much of  this is not too far from the definition of what a LIBERAL christian is!)

EU Poison Infects Us All.

If  a neighbour four houses along  my street gets into debt by wild spending and all out profligacy and I have joined the local Neighbourhood Watch - should I be liable for his debts? - Sensible question?
Well, substitute Greece for the neighbour and the EU for The Neighbourhood Watch and there you have it!
When my vote to remain in the EU was stolen from me in 1975 by mendacious lowlifes such as Wilson - and especially Heath, somehow they all insisted that it really was a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and not the poison which we had suspected it to be.
I have never trusted mainstream politicians since!

'After months of negotiations, eurozone leaders finally came to an agreement and approved a second €109bn bailout package for Greece. The loans will be provided by the eurozone bailout fund, the EFSF, and the IMF.' (AOL.)

Friday, July 29, 2011


Yet again it seems necessary to defend the oil companies over the price of petrol.
They do all the work, incur massive overheads and make a tiny profit on every litre sold. However many billions their profits may be, they merely represent volume of sales.
I would be most hard-pressed to name any other retail product where profit margins for the supplier are as low as with petrol and diesel.
Meanwhile the government does nothing other than to impose eye-watering taxation levels on fuel which never fall below 70% of the cost at the pumps.
So. Who exactly is to blame, here?

Get Off Papa Coley's Case!

SHAME on the Manchester Police for arresting 72 year old Papa Coley for murder after he killed an armed robber who was raiding a floristry shop.
Surely these buffoons must recognise that the chance of any murder charge 'sticking' under the given circumstances are slender at best. So why put this elderly man through even more grief? Or was it those 'worthies' at the CPS who insisted on this course of action?
If, at a later date, evidence emerges that a murder was committed then they could have arrested him at that point. But having noted who 'the victim' was - it already seems to be a prima facie case of self defence.
Might I possibly suggest some form of medal ....?

Fear Of Death.

Many of us fear the act of dying - but for Christians the fear of death itself is practically non existent. Yet when we listen to the average 'whistling-in-the-dark, aggressive atheist', they have clearly convinced themselves that it is the 'proposed heavenly rewards' which motivate Christians into belief - or failing that, fear of hell.
They transfer their own fears of death onto believers and have some wild self delusion that what Christians have as a relationship with God could not possibly be anything other than an exercise in overuse of the imagination .
The arrogance of so many atheists never ceases to amaze me. How dare they belittle MY experiences - my reality when they have chosen not to follow the same route as I have wherein that experience was gained in the first place?
I pray daily for Richard Dawkins - but the hardest prayers of them all to get positive answers to are those where you are asking Father to overrule somebody else's freedom of choice.
It is a freedom we are all granted. Nobody is sentenced to hell - all are volunteers. All are on that route already - the only thing we have to do is to take God's proffered, free gift in order to avoid it. The price paid for us to escape was a high one.
(And for those argumentative types who cannot grasp the larger picture - may I thoroughly recommend a study of Romans 2?)
Long story short - if you haven't had the experience, then you do not know what you are talking about!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Not Just P.I.G.S. Countries!

It is now not just The P.I.G.S. countries whose debts we may have to either pay or underwrite - ADD Cyprus to the list.
My warmest thanks to every quisling who has sold us out to the execrable EU, year on year!

Difference Between Capetown and Home.

In S. Africa there are enough roads for the number of cars on them. (Mind you - some road users have little idea how to use them properly!)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fit or Unfit?

'THREE in four people on sickness benefits are fit for work or drop their claim before facing strict new tests, shock figures (from the DWP) revealed yesterday.
Startling statistics showed that of the 2.6million people on incapacity benefit, a total of 1.9 million could work. A further 17 per cent were found to be able to work at some point with the right support. Nine out of 10 were capable of employment.'  (Alison Little, Daily Express.)

The first paragraph is most revealing. As previously stated on this Blog, I have seen shedloads of young, healthy  people trailing through The Magistrates' Courts System who, upon conviction, are revealed to be on sickness benefits.
True, not all conditions are visible so a percentage must be genuine but it is self evident that the vast majority cannot be.
Successive governments pushed the unemployed onto sickness benefits - doubling numbers under Major and Blair. Do we honestly believe after that, that the DWP figures can be too far off the mark?
By permitting this to happen, a disastrous system has also fuelled immigration. Had  jobs in this nation snapped up by EU-dwellers been taken by those born here who have made a lifestyle choice not to work - where would the work have been for the millions of immigrants in recent years?
But what of the genuine? What of those wracked with bodily damage and Parkinson's Disease who now cannot get onto sickness benefits at all? What of the people who have fluctuating conditions? What of serious mental problems - just how are these to be measured? What about the wheat being pulled up with the tares?
Sorting out the dreadful mess is long overdue - but it is difficult to see how it can be done fairly.

Further Reflections.

Anders Behring Breivik is a symbol of the evil far right politics represents.
This Blog always attacks all forms of leftwing influence - principally because it is all pervasive and runs much deeper than that of the right. Nonetheless, where the hard right is concerned - their evil is always recognised and exposed on this Blog.
One profound concern for me is that the leftist propaganda machine is so powerful and insidious that it will use the Norwegian catastrophe against both evangelical Christianity and the centre right.

Making New Friends On The Cape.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Lure Of Filthy Lucre?

Want To Know How Mad It Has All Become?

Release Korea.

Jul 25 2011
'20,000 British Christians to date have signed a petition calling for religious freedom in North Korea – a nation considered to be one of the worst persecutors of Christians on Earth. Release International presented an interim petition to the North Korean embassy in London (July 22). 
The Release One Day campaign presses for freedom of worship in the land where the Bible is banned. The petition calls on North Korea to allow its citizens to practise their faith without threat of persecution.
 Recent reports by human rights organisations accuse North Korea of putting up to 180,000 people into forced labour. They also document the spread of political prison camps, where inmates – including those arrested for their faith – can face torture, starvation and execution.'
 Please pray for success in this most worthy of ventures.

21 Years!

As stated earlier on this Blog, the Norwegian butcher cannot even be jailed for life.
It works out to about 12 weeks in semi-luxury per person slaughtered!

Received as Spam - But .... Oh!

These are possibly the five best and most important
sentences you'll ever read about a nation's economy & society:
1. You cannot legislate the poor into
prosperity by legislating the wealthy
out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without
working for, another person must
work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to
anybody anything that the
government does not first take from
somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by
dividing it!
5. When half of the people get the
idea that they do not have to work
because the other half is going to
take care of them, and when the
other half gets the idea that it does
no good to work because somebody
else is going to get what they work
for, that is the beginning of the end
of any nation.
Can you think of a reason
for not sharing this?
 Neither could I.......
(I am sure that 'good socialists' would beg to differ!)

Monday, July 25, 2011


A terrible, self-inflicted tragedy. We have just been waiting for it to happen.
It is times like this when I really feel that I can perhaps get a 'God's eye view of humanity' - the God who loves us all.
The real sadness of la condition humaine is that Mankind has always got a way through these things by accepting Jesus as Master of the situation - and how many follow this tried and tested route?

Sorry George - I Just Cannot believe You!

In the Sunday Telegraph, George Osborne wrote, “It is not yet clear how far or how fast eurozone countries will want to go on fiscal integration, but as they decide, this Government will constantly be alert for opportunities to protect and advance our national interests.”
The tories holding out for our best interests in the EU? - That has never happened since Thatcher - and even in those days she had to fight against half of her own party first!
Prior to that - it was sellout ALL the way by Heath and earlier by Macmillan.
Believe you, George? - History is against it!

3 Letters - All On The Button.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Need I comment?

'The Rev Geraint ap Iorwerth cut up pages from the King James Bible and burnt the ‘negative, nasty bits’. The artwork was then mounted on a 9ft-by-7ft board and displayed in church.'
Read more:


Well. Today's Blog comes from S. Africa where 'The Capetown Doctor' (a rather brisk wind) is giving us a dusting.
Upon arrival here it was to find Table mountain SHUT for maintenance! - Well, would you credit it. Anyhoo - everybody seems most pleasant and helpful!
Our white taxi driver was singing the praises of Nelson Mandela principally because he has been everything that Mugabe was not - in circumstances which were far from dissimilar. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pray For Norway As She Mourns.

Christians must never support righteousness above forgiveness nor forgiveness above righteousness.
To the tragic relatives of the slain - I recommend that they must try to forgive - but this may become problematical for many where repentance is absent in the perpetrator.
To the Norwegian authorities I must pose a simple question. HOW do you propose ensuring the completion of justice? You have no death penalty and so will be obliged to lock this man of evil away - under very costly guarding procedures. He will possess rights to living comfortably in a Norwegian prison where liberalism is the order of the day and will almost certainly NOT serve a full life sentence!
You cannot bring back the dead - and certainly some relatives would not want to see a death sentence imposed - but it is NOT for them to say. Society should take the lead and there is a desperate need for a social purging.
When you have a death penalty - even if only very rarely used - you have a chance to deal with situations of this type. Where there is none, you have painted yourselves into a corner and have no mechanism for justice.
There must be retribution - which is cold, neutral and clinical. If neutral, then it is justice and not revenge.
Effectively, the absence of capital punishment is a statement that evil is actually within the bounds of what can be tolerated.
Please pray for the survivors and the relatives of the dead. (Do not pray for the dead themselves.)
Whether the perpetrator of this deed is capable of repentance - I severely doubt - but Christians MUST pray for God to have mercy on him on the celestial level. Sorry - but that is what we do! We desire that he should truly repent.
Christians have to differentiate between the role of the individual and the role of society. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!



I am hoping to ensure a continuity of postings in the next ten days but these may be a touch more erratic than usual.

Hardly A Surprise!

'Homosexual groups and atheists in the United Kingdom are not happy with their own government’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHR) decision to defend Christians who have faced discrimination based on their faith.' Christian Post. 

Full details:

Phone Hacking.

Okay. I've just about had enough of this red herring. - Yes, it was reprehensible and yes, it was sad to see newspaper workers losing their jobs but I'd rather keep the HUGE items in the public eye:
Crime out of control.
Benefits Abuses.
Illegal immigration out of control.
No first step on the housing ladder for millions.
Legal immigrants distorting the jobs picture.
Enormous amounts of aid given with very few checks.
Our defensive forces being reduced.
Soaring inflation. (Concealed.)
No future for countless school leavers.
Still under the thumb of the imperialistic, bureaucratic, corrupt and expensive EU.
The loss of democracy in the face of the PC movement.
And SO much more.
So YES, the NOTW thing is a scandal BUT ...

Friday, July 22, 2011

'Social Justice.'

Longterm readers of this Blog may well recall my anxieties about 'Dave' Cameron when he first appeared as leader of the tories because he embraced 'social justice' as an ideal.
It's all about vocabulary and the true meanings of what is said rather than what the surface appears to convey.
I was deeply disturbed to hear him use this expression and stated that there were only two possible reasons:
1) He did not grasp the hidden leftist agenda in this seemingly innocent pairing of words or
2) Worse - he DID!
SO. The SECOND of these it was!

A Bit More Truth About Wind Turbines!

Some Assorted Think Tanks With A Totally Leftist Agenda:

The Fabian Society.
Institute For Public Policy Research.
The Work Foundation.

Anything - and  I really do mean anything - supported as an idea by any of these bodies, whether they claim to be 'think tanks' or not, should be avoided like a dose of poison.
It is sickeningly interesting how often these are used by the BBC to make a point or  create a news item!

Nothing To Worry About. Probably.

A study by the think-tank Open Europe finds that the European Central Bank alone, in charge of the euro, now faces liabilities of a mere £444 billion — a third of the entire value of Britain’s economy!

Death Of Lucian Freud.

He knew fame, praise and glory - but did he know The Saviour?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Persecution Of The Church In Armenia.

'The proposed new Religion Law – and amendments to other existing legislation – is of greatest concern, particularly sections relating to 'improper proselytising' and the compulsory registration of communities with more than 25 adult members. The proposed crime of 'improper proselytism' or 'soul hunting' would carry a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment. Groups refusing to register would face fines of up to 600 times the minimum monthly wage.' (Release.)

Bedales: The School Which Is A Byword For Failed, Upper Class Liberalism.

From whence cometh the liberal left? Ironically, it always seems to have its roots in the upper middle and upper classes. Bedales is part of the problem.   (Well worth a read!)

Give Gove a Carrot!

Only a small handful of tories in the present government have received the ChristianityisnotLeftwing 'thumbs up' but Michael Gove may well be on course!
He is mounting a major attack on 'mickey mouse' courses which can count towards clusters of GCSE passes although of a considerably more basic standard.
I'm old enough in teaching to remember the CPVE 'mickey mouse' course for 17 year olds! (An article worth reading.)

They Promised A Eurozone 'Utopia'.

Where are the apologists for the EU and the euro? Why are they not apologising?

Dan 'The Man' Hannan - BRILLIANT Article!

If there is one tory MEP who should be consistently listened to - it is Dan 'The Man'!
Wanna really understand the eurozone crisis? Then notice this single comment in this expert analysis below:-
'The reason Europe is in this mess is that it turned out to be ruinous to apply uniform monetary policies to widely divergent economies.' (AS UKIP HAD WARNED AD NAUSEAM!)


Why does Wickipedia get such a bad press? It is implied by a scornful few that it is factually very dubious.
I have now used it for many years and am yet to catch it out on a single issue.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Think I'm Going To Cry!

'YORKSHIRE Ripper Peter Sutcliffe and the Moors ­Murderer Ian Brady are ­entitled to almost £100 a week in ­benefits, the Government has admitted.Peter Sutcliffe, now 64, received 20 life terms for the murder of 13 women and the attempted murder of others in Yorkshire and Greater Manchester. Ian Brady, now 73, killed five children with accomplice Myra Hindley, and buried his young victims on the bleak Pennine moors.' Express.

Look Closely At This Picture.

This is Andrew Dawson who 'completed' a life sentence for murder back in 1981.
He has now murdered two people in Derby.
So often we hear of attempts by abolitionists to persuade us that the 'finality' of a death sentence is its biggest drawback and they ally this with alleged cases of 'wrongful executions' from five, six or seven decades ago - every one of which I have personally investigated and every claim is seriously dubious.
Perhaps it is 'the lack of finality' in our sentencing which must be considered!
Let us assume that there once had been a mistake with an execution - something which is very hard to believe - but SO WHAT?
Mistakes - even fatal ones - occur in every part of human life. Even if such a tragic error had occurred - would we really abandon an entire system because of it?
There are even very rare fatalities with tonsilectomies! Should those be banned as a consequence? The logic is seriously flawed.
If a system contains flaws, however - you aim to make that system as perfect as possible.
Let us return to Dawson and ask a very simple question:
Would those two people be dead today if he had died on the end of a rope in the 70s?
Stop and ask yourself this question:
Why do these proven deaths not matter a single jot yet highly dubious claims for ancient miscarriages of justice seemingly win the argument?
There are dozens of 'Mr Dawsons' about EVERY SINGLE YEAR!
It cannot be argued that 'real life sentences' must be imposed.
'Whole-of-life-tariffs' are as rare as hen's teeth and we now have so many life sentences not being served that if we started to use 'real life sentences' we would soon need a host of new prisons.

Who Has Been Right All Along About The EU and Its Thrice-Cursed Euro?

Er .... UKIP!


"God Himself will provide a sacrifice." These were the words of Abraham to his son Isaac whom God had commanded him to sacrifice. Isaac was helping his father build an altar for the purpose and the boy realised they had no perfect lamb for the purpose.
Abraham's faithfulness was a mighty example to us all and God supplied that sacrifice, there on Mount Moriah in the form of a ram.
Coincidence, do you reckon?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Will The EU Stop The Compassion? - It Usually Does!

'Animal testing for household products such as bleach, washing-up liquid and air fresheners could soon be banned.' Mail.
(However - The European Union's Animal Experiments Directive could well prevent this essential reform!)

Good News.

Missionary Murli Ghulam of Gospel For Asia has been released from prison in India!

William Hague.

Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague argued that, “My core views on Europe have not changed: we should be in the EU but not run by the EU.” He added, “If we are going to make the most of the advantages of our membership we must be vigorous, energetic and active in the conduct of our policy…Besides the opportunities the EU offers we must be equally determined and persistent in dealing with the problems of its own making.”
What a tragedy. Is this the most promising politician of a generation turned into the most disappointing?
And STILL parroting his claptrap about 'In the EU but not of it!' - Wake up and smell the coffee!!!!
Had he still been tory leader - I fear that he would have made as shocking a PM as has Cameron!

Confiming My Views On The Hate-Filled Comics Of The Left.

Lord Glasman.

Labour or whoever - talk sense and you will always be lauded on this Blog!
'Now he [Lord Glasman] dares state – that Britain should renegotiate the rules on European workers and freeze inward migration for EU and non-EU citizens, except where employers or universities make a case for a specific, skilled individual.' (Telegraph.)
Reespect - dood! High fives!

What We Are Up Against.

Scottish Criticism.

If only I Could Spell.
Since the inception of this Blog, my tendencies have always been quite pro-Scottish but all are open to criticism on here when they earn it.
I am utterly fed up of hearing the term 'Scottish Oil'. Has N. Sea oil, not from off Scotland, ever been referred to as 'English'? - Of course not!
Like it or no - we are all part of the UK - and Scotland has done rather well in jobs terms with the oil off its coasts.
The West Lothian Question and The Barnett Formula continue to reinforce Scottish 'special pleading' and seem set to keep on doing so long after the last drop of oil has been extracted.

Nicely Packaged But Pure Poison.

A Guardian-writing journalist called Kia Abdullah, claimed on Twitter that she smiled at the death of three white, middle-class youths.  Sean Gabb.
Will the equally poisonous Guardian be immediately sacking this racist feminist? - Don't hold your breath!
(Incidentally, I'd lay a pound to a penny that if a Mail journalist had said something about asian youths under similar circumstances - s/he 'would have got the bullet' within minutes!)
And no - I don't understand the 'witty' caption under her photo either!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Yorks Post Letters Headline Seems Rather Odd.

Boycott is only way to tame Murdoch.

Just how would that work?

The Bema Seat - Neglected Christian Doctrine.

'One of the prominent doctrines of the New Testament is the Doctrine of Rewards and the Judgment Seat of Christ. It is a doctrine often ignored or, when taught, it is misrepresented because of the term “judgment” that is used in translating the Greek text. Commenting on this Samuel Hoyt writes:
Within the church today there exists considerable confusion and debate regarding the exact nature of the examination at the judgment seat of Christ. The expression “the judgment seat of Christ” in the English Bible has tended to cause some to draw the wrong conclusion about the nature and purpose of this evaluation. A common misconception which arises from this English translation is that God will mete out a just retribution for sins in the believer’s life, and some measure of retributive punishment for sins will result.
It is tremendously serious with eternal ramifications, the judgment seat of Christ is not a place and time when the Lord will mete out punishment for sins committed by the child of God. Rather, it is a place where rewards will be given or lost depending on how one has used his or her life for the Lord.
In 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20, the Apostle Paul drew courage and was motivated by the fact of rewards at the return of the Lord for the church which he mentions in every chapter in this epistle and becomes the primary subject of 2 Thessalonians. The Lord’s return and what this means not only to the world but to us individually is a very prominent subject of the New Testament.
It is significant that among the final words of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, we find these words of the Lord:
Rev. 22:12 Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done.'
Not sure I entirely agree but why no debate? Surely this is a critical matter.

Our VAT Funds The EU.

At the moment 0.3% of VAT on every pound spent goes directly towards the EU budget.
Doesn't sound a lot, does it? WORK IT OUT!
I begrudge every cent - I meant penny!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Global .... ?

Yet more reports of bad weather on their way to build onto this already poor summer.
Temperatures not increasing for almost eleven years. Ice accreting in the Antarctic.  Global what?

Christian Peter Hitchens - Breathtaking Stuff!

A Tragedy For The People of N. Korea.

I do hope that the population of peace-loving N. Korea appreciate their 'wonderfully fair' society. Being communist, it is able to share around the bounty. (At least to the party apparatchiks, anyway.)
The nation is in famine and starving just as it was when over a million died a decade ago.
Meanwhile - just over the border in wickedly capitalist South Korea, waves of total prosperity are overwhelming this tragic nation. Sadly, this coincides with massive Christian growth. I wonder if there is possibly some connection?
              Christianity is of course, verboten in the justice-filled North.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...