Saturday, July 09, 2011

Headline Is Wrong. Lose the Prejudices. Observe!

It's official! Women drivers ARE more dangerous behind the wheel, scientists discover.
Not so. My observations of over more than 40 years of driving have always been that men tend to drive considerably more dangerously than women do. Delving more deeply into this case, the article itself gives a clue to the reality.
Women are much more likely to have accidents - BUT their 'shunts' are of a less serious nature. (It has been considered politically incorrect to suggest what is so evident - that women have proportionately more accidents than men.)
I am sure that if we take the arrogance of male drivers and the lack of spatial awareness of many female drivers, then we shall be much closer to the truth.
Over the years I have consistently observed myriads of examples of below par car-handling by the ladies - far more than with men. But whenever you see a dangerous manoeuvre, with other road users treated as insignificant - 95 % of the time the driver is a youngish male.
So many lady drivers drive with zero confidence whereas most ridiculously slow drivers are old folks desperate for their failing faculties not to be the cause of an accident..
These are not my prejudices  - merely the result of decades of personal observation.
(If anybody ever tries to tell you that 'men in hats' are poor drivers - taint so!)
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Blessings To All Who Follow The Saviour and May All Who Do Not Know Him, Meet The Lord, Face To Face, This Christmas.

                                      THE CHRISTMAS STORY. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-5) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word w...