Friday, July 08, 2011

One 'Bad' Empire and One 'Good'.

Wouldn't it be rather nice if a group of neutral economists, politicians and social commentators were to give an honest assessment of how many countries from the 'wicked' British Empire are actually better off today than they would have been under our colonial hand?

It always strikes me as strange that all these countries were 'correctly granted the rights to self-determination' but in our own case this does not apply.
It may be controversial to say but I have come to believe that The British Empire was, and remains, more morally defensible than the European Union with its: immorality, neo-imperialism, expense, unwanted intrusions, bureaucracy, corruption, anti-democratic practices and self-serving power grabs.

Blessings To All Who Follow The Saviour and May All Who Do Not Know Him, Meet The Lord, Face To Face, This Christmas.

                                      THE CHRISTMAS STORY. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-5) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word w...