Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Wasted God Slot.

The 'God slot' on Radio Humberside this morning was taken by a senior Methodist from Hull.
With the golden opportunity to preach the message of salvation, purchased at great price on the Cross, to the unsaved, the lost and the hellbound community of E. Yorks and N. Lincs - he decided instead to talk about the problems associated with shearing his dog!
I sometimes wonder what God makes of me but I fear that this oh-so-amiable chap may have to answer directly to God for being so remiss!

The Coalition's Shame!

'The number of career criminals being spared jail has soared since the Coalition took office.

An astonishing 4,000 offenders have been handed community sentences, despite each totting up at least 50 convictions.

The figure for 2010 – the year Ken Clarke took over as Justice Secretary – was 17 per cent higher than 2009’s and treble that of 2002.'
Please read this last piece carefully!
Read more:

I Am Speechless.

'Prostitutes working the streets of the old West German capital now have to buy tickets from converted roadside vending machines that once dispensed tickets to the city's drivers. A night's ticket will set a prostitute back £5.30, irrespective of the number of clients they have.' Telegraph.
Good grief!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

No Loss of Deterrent Effect, Huh?

Lib Dem 'Tipple Tax'.

BRILLIANT idea from the Lib Dems. A tax - er sorry, EXTRA tax - on every over-priced drink sold in a pub or club in the UK. (Radio Humberside.)
Every idea a new idea on how to lose votes; how to hit ordinary people; how to see businesses close; how to see a rise in unemployment. Great. Punish the innocent - what a super principle!
Keep it up Cleggy! The whole Liberal Democrat movement - already pushed below UKIP in EU elections will soon have to make way for them in real elections too at this rate!

Good News.

 Bible app reaches 542 languages!

Abortion Clinics Give BAD Advice.

Jenny Stocks goes undercover and finds - surprise, surprise - that abortion clinics usually promote their own interests when advising about abortions!

Quango Bosses Have Doubled Their Salaries!

Good work, 'Dave'!

Al Gore Compares 'Like With Like'. Not!

Benefits Sure Beat Work For A Majority!

'When bosses of a growing business needed to fill 20 jobs in a city with more than 10,000 out of work, they thought it would be easy.
But two weeks after advertising the posts, they are astonished to have had only two applications instead of the flood they expected.
They have hit out at the lack of a work ethic shown by the unemployed, amid renewed calls yesterday for welfare reform to encourage benefit claimants into jobs.
Critics said the experience of security firm OnGuard24 in Coventry is repeated throughout the country.'

Read more:

15% In One Year AND Increasing.

'The gulf in state spending between Scotland and England has hit a record £1,600 per head.
Government spending in Scotland averaged £10,212 per person last year – £1,624 per head more than in England.'
Read more:

Monday, August 29, 2011

Vote Losing For Beginners.

'Households in more affluent parts of the country should pay more tax so money can be “transferred” to poorer councils, a party policy paper says.
Lib Dem officials have identified almost 70 areas where better-off residents should pay significantly more in tax than their council spends on services for them.' Telegraph. 
The Lib Dems gain much of their support from the wealthier middle classes who are out of touch with reality.
 If ever there was a policy to reduce their votes even further - this is it. Keep up the good work, Cleggy boy!

I Hope He's Wrong.

A letterwriter in The Yorks Post recently stated that Cameron is actually worse than former PM Edward Heath. Is this even possible?
We must pray that he is wrong in his assessment but I have a gut feeling that he may well not be!

More 'Good' News From The EU.

'Train costs could rise by up to 50% under new Commission plans.
A new Commission White Paper on Transport, has suggested the creation of a ‘user pays’ system, meaning that passengers would have to cover the cost of all rail travel without government subsidies. Labour has calculated that under the policy, train fares could increase by up to 50%. (Mail on Sunday) Source O.E.

The Borgias.

An everyday story of Vatican folk.

I May Be Wrong But ...

.... I have the distinct impression that, despite its inclusion on countless forms, 'Ms.' is becoming decidedly less popular today. A device invented so that irritating feminists could move up a step to 'seriously annoying', I for one would happily welcome the long overdue demise of this American nonsense.


Go on - turn up the sound and listen to a rather ordinary prayer which becomes extremely funny and most importantly, still honours God.

Thanks, Jane!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Christian Vicars?

A friend once asked a vicar if he were a Christian. Judge from the reply:
"I am a professional devotionalist."

Parts of Nigeria Are No-Go Areas For Christians.

'Christian villages in Plateau state in central Nigeria have again come under attack after months of relative calm.
Stefanos Foundation reports a series of raids in the Jos North, Riyom and Barakin-Ladi areas this month, shattering hopes that calm had been restored in the region. Several of the attacks occurred at night.
Most recently, on Saturday, attacks on Kiwi and Loton villages, both in the Riyom area near Jos city, left four Christians dead, according to Reuters news agency. Several news sources, including the Nigerian newspaper Vanguard, report that attackers set several homes alight.
The Nigerian Tribune reports that some have fled the area for fear of further attacks.
Earlier, six Christians died in Forom village in the Barakin-Ladi area in raids on August 11 and 15, according to Stefanos Foundation. The Release partner also reports that one Christian was killed in Jwol, in the Riyom area, on August 13.' Release International.

'No' Is Temporary: 'Yes' Is Forever ....

 ... even if the 'Yes' was to a different question!

More EU Madness To Which We Must Kowtow.

HOPEFULLY The Thin End Of A Very Large Wedge!

'The Department of Health is to announce plans for a new system of independent counselling for women before they finally commit to terminating a pregnancy. The move is designed to give women more “breathing space”.
Pro-life campaigners suggest the change could result in up to 60,000 fewer abortions each year in Britain. Last year, 202,400 were carried out.
The plan would introduce a mandatory obligation on abortion clinics to offer women access to independent counselling, to be run on separate premises by a group which does not itself carry out abortions.' Sunday Telegraph.
(Pro-abortion campaigners consider this photo to be 'emotive'. That is absurd. Either this is a picture of an aborted foetus - or it is not.)


Those readers outside the noble metropolis of Sheffield might as well move onto the next article right now!
Yesterday, a friend who travels the length and breadth of the UK with his work visited me in Sheffield-where-the-sun-always-shines.
He had two things to say which sickened me:
1) He cannot find any town, village or city throughout the kingdom with roads in an equivalent state of disrepair.
2) He told me that the roads near his house in North Lincolnshire are resurfaced roughly every three years.
I had to tell him that in the 36 years I have lived in my present house - roads adjoining have NEVER been treated.
(Twice a year a man comes around with some yellow paint and circles the larger potholes. Some weeks later, another bloke will turn up and drop a little tarmac into the marked areas.)
You should see my Council Tax bills!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Proverbs 12.

10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

Oh No, Not Again!

The health fascists are out in force yet again. You know them. These are the people who want to control our lives via taxation and ensure that a pint of bitter is so expensive that a large percentage of the population cannot afford to buy even one in our society where the buying power of our money is plummeting.
I am about to have a small sausage roll with my breakfast which will have the new obesity police going apoplectic. They want to tax such foods out of reach of all but the very rich - who can happily be allowed to rot in any case!
I bought an offer in Morrisons which gave me the aforementioned cholesterol boosters at a mere 12.5p each.
So. If we wish to control what people eat, how much tax should government add onto this delicacy?
How about £2? - That should stop the evil trade and if this fails, how about jailing the vendors - not so much the mules and small time suppliers in local butchers' shops but those who produce this evil. Why not hang a few pig farmers pour encourager les autres?
Maybe we do not quite need to go that far - yet. Why not add health warnings to packaging?
What of all those people who may become passive eaters by sitting in the same room as a sausage roll eater?

Quite So.

"What good fortune for governments that the people do not think."  
Adolf Hitler.

The Demonisation of Powell.

'A couple of weeks ago, the historian David Starkey made a comment on the riots. He has been widely denounced for what he said, not least because he referred approvingly to Enoch Powell.
Professor Starkey is able to defend himself. What concerns the Libertarian Alliance is how our increasingly totalitarian ruling class regards Enoch Powell as some kind of Emmanuel Goldstein. Even if nothing controversial in itself is said, to speak of him without visible and ritualistic loathing will bring you under suspicion of thought crime.
We therefore say this with regard to Enoch Powell. He was a classical scholar of great brilliance and distinction. His Lexicon to Herodotus (1938) is one of the most valuable works ever produced on the ancient historian. As well as in Latin and Greek, he was fluent in every main European language, and in Welsh. He was also at least competent in several ancient and modern oriental languages. In addition, he wrote a fine biography of Joseph Chamberlain, and was an expert on the mediaeval House of Lords.
During his long political career, he was notable for his defence of the British Constitution and of the traditional liberties that it embodied. He was an anti-socialist and an anti-corporatist. He resigned from one Conservative Government that was soft on spending and inflation. He helped bring down another that was a national disaster. He played an important part in stopping further "reforms" to the House of Lords until the year of his death.
He opposed British membership of what became the European Union, and he regarded the American alliance as barely less undesirable. He opposed the Cold War and the First Gulf War. He believed in a United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He was easily the best political speaker of his age.
The public reason for why he is so hated by our modern ruling class is that he opposed mass-immigration and multiculturalism. Since the legitimising ideology of this ruling class is based on the claim that “diversity” is strength, and the threat of utter destruction for anyone who disagrees, his opposition might be sufficient reason for his being hated. Even so, much of the hatred rests on the envy of men and women who are themselves uneducated and illiterate and dishonourable and sordid and incompetent. Enoch Powell is hated in part because he dissented from the established view on immigration, but also because he was a shining example of what a statesman ought to be – and of what a statesman often approached to in this country before the present clique took over.' Sean Gabb.

I repeat for the benefit of readers that my libertarian tendencies are political rather than moral. Whenever my faith clashes with the libertarian movement - Jesus always wins and always will!
This is a piece from Dr Gabb which heavily reflects my own views on the absurd demonisation of John Enoch Powell.

The Kiros Movement.

This may well be of interest to many Christians:;jsessionid=1B8AADCF1727E5267283C4928B9A3DA1.mc1?sitePageId=88546

Friday, August 26, 2011

ECHR & Christians.

The best and simplest answer is for the UK to pull out of this wretched body! It sounds soooo good - and it ain't!

No Photos.

'A mouse-like creature that scurried about in bushes and trees 160 million years ago gave rise to humans, say scientists.'
Thanks to The Mail for these new additions to our family album.
Up til now, I had no family photos older than those of my grandparents.

Adam & Eve.

So Obvious That I Missed it.

Griping yesterday to friends about having to constantly be on top of the best prices for: phones, mobiles, Internet, Gas, Insurance electricity et al we all noted how negatively this affects older people - many of whom get heavily ripped off.
One young gentleman pointed out the blindingly obvious: older people hark back to times when firms rewarded customer loyalty and they live as if it still exists. Well sadly, firms no longer do that!

Open Europe.

Open Europe
Invites you to a morning seminar:

"How much power should the EU have over justice and home affairs?"

Wednesday 14 September
10.00-11.30am (discussion will begin at 10.30am)

I'll not bother. The answer is too easy. - NONE!

Dignity In Dying - Feature on My Cousin Rod.

Cable: Not Fit To Be Out On His Own.

'Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat Business Secretary, has agreed to a controversial European directive to give agency workers the same rights as full-time employees of British companies.'  Telegraph.
MORE sound-good stuff which, in practical terms, is a disaster for the firms involved and will affect employment negatively.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ever Wondered About Creation?

We Have Failed Our Youth.

'Young immigrant labour is not just cheaper but better qualified and experienced. And British school leavers are being pushed to the rear of the job line because of it, a new Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) survey claims. And the CIPD says the trend will continue, with the 16-24 age group hardest hit.' (AOL News.)
Do NOT blame the employers.
Do NOT blame the immigrants.
In very large part, this Blog exists so that the blame can be placed fairly and squarely where it belongs. Regular readers will be in little doubt as to where that is!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Don't Believe A Single Word!

An old 'favourite' of this Blog - the egregious Ken Clarke - has emerged from wherever he has been skulking since his last faux pas in order to make a pronouncement about community punishments.
Apparently, they are going to be made 'tougher'.
(Please note his 'extra tough face' in the photo for added confirmation.)
Sorry - it just ain't gonna happen and here's why:
1) He is a total wet who doesn't want to get tougher.
2) He is not interested in justice - whatever his title.
3) The system can only be made effective if all breaches result in instant custody. (I have chaired such courts for entire sessions without ever coming near to being able to jail anybody - and it was certainly not a lack of will from me or my colleagues!)
4) The highly leftist Probation Service is pro-offender rather than pro-society and must never be trusted to oversee these projects.
Regular readers may be surprised to learn that in theory, I consider work orders to be a most valuable tool in the fight against crime. Nonetheless, the way we operate them in this country is only one step above useless.


'Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the US federal reserve, has said the eurozone is breaking apart due to variations between economies in the north and south of Europe.' (EU Observer.)

Yeah! But hardly news, is it?

It Makes My Blood Boil ....

'About a quarter of people become anxious while they have their blood pressure taken in the surgery, meaning they potentially give a misleading reading. This wrongly pushes many into the high blood pressure zone, a phenomenon known as white coat hypertension. This means up to three million people could be taking drugs needlessly or in incorrect doses.' (Telegraph.)
So why has it taken a century to spot what has always been so blindingly obvious?

What Must The Poor Parents Learn?

Poor parents - and I certainly do not mean in monetary terms - should have learned one single thing but didn't!
Love incorporates discipline. Too many believe that the two are mutually exclusive.
That is manifestly false!

It Hurts - But Needs Saying!

I was involved in a conversation yesterday (Hi, Dave!) about church ministers and funerals.
We both rather wondered about the way in which so many are approached. We concluded that - although they may well have the very best of intentions - there is a degree of dishonesty in the way that grieving relatives are effectively promised 'eternal reward' for all loved ones by some ministers.
Let us step back a moment, shall we?
Why did God send us Jesus? Why did God The Son choose to come?
Surely it was so that we might have SALVATION through Him. Salvation from what? - Eternal punishment for our sin! All we are asked to do is respond to this offer.
Hmm. So. What about all those who have wantonly failed to take this path, are they to be saved too? - It don't make no sense, do it?
I have known a number of ministers who have rejoiced at funerals over the departure of a believer and have trodden most carefully in funerals where 'the state of grace' of the deceased is not known.
This is the way it should be done.
THINK what message is sent to mourners by the former actions. You are telling them - in what is probably a rare foray into a church or religious service - that IT DOESNT MATTER HOW YOU LIVE, YOU WILL STILL BE SAVED.
This is a LIE - and one to be avoided like the plague.
Naturally, whatever comfort possible must be granted to mourners - but vain, empty promises are counterproductive in a variety of ways.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


'It is the sound that can make the toughest men moan and the calmest women weep.
But the whine of the dentist’s drill could soon be silenced for good, according to researchers.
Scientists believe they have found the secret of a ‘completely painless’ filling by identifying a material which repairs decaying teeth – with no need for a drill.'
Please Lord, may this all be true - and imminent?
Read more:

Silly Tactics With Rioters.

It is barely credible that the government is (maybe) attempting to take housing and benefits away from members of the feral underclass as a punishment for participation in rioting.
Sounds good. Sounds GREAT but please, think it through! These are already the criminal classes. Please do not encourage them to become full time professional criminals just to survive. Moreover, you are actually handing them the moral high ground! - "We have to steal just to live!"
When people run away from imposing actual punishments - out come the silly and unworkable, knee-jerk reactions! 

Coconut Award.

A LoonyTunesWatch coconut is hereby awarded to the appalling Howard League For Penal Reform. They have been criticising a number of the ridiculously lenient, post-riots sentencing as being 'harsh'!
These are precisely the kind of people responsible - in part at least - for us having had the riots in the first place!

Mad Hitlerian Thinking.

'Extraordinary geniuses make no allowances for ordinary humanity.' - Adolf Hitler.
 Hitler was indeed 'an extraordinary genius', of course. Few people can create a scenario in which 50 million innocent people will die!
 BUT what he perhaps failed to foresee was that fifth rate politicians of our own era share his thinking by mistakenly seeing themselves described in the opening two words of the quote.
They diminish democracy, are self-serving and their 'higher ideals' are simply more important than anything 'normal' people think!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wrong Attitudes To Conservation.

Certain groups have nearly wet themselves in pure excitement that they have overseen the reintroduction and protection of numerous predators which feast  on songbirds.
I have personally seen a glut of sparrowhawks and red kites and am amazed that goshawks are being added, like a fox into a henhouse, into so many areas of woodland where they have been absent since Tudor times!
Those who promote such practices are quick to speak about 'the balance of nature' and similar failing to see the extreme damage they do.
The problem here is mankind. Our presence on these islands has 'skewed that balance' by being responsible for the tragically plummeting numbers of songbirds. When you then promote species which feast on these birds which are already under massive pressure - it is almost as if you wish to seal their fate!
Note the letter below from the Yorkshire Post:

Published on Monday 22 August 2011 00:00
From: RL Lofthouse, Forest Gate, Otley, Leeds.
I HAVE followed the letters between your columnist Jo Foster and the conservationists concerning Red Kites in Yorkshire with great interest.
What Jo says is true and having farmed in the Wharfe Valley all my life I would like to make a few points.
Two years ago, on a field just outside Otley, the lapwings reared 26 young birds to almost one month old and they were ringed by the local BTO ringer. The kites turned up and took the lot. There are now no pairs of plovers nesting on that field. This year I went to four sites where the hay meadows were being cut. On each occasion the same thing happened.
The kites saw the grass being cut and came for lunch.
On field one, between Otley and Burley, three clutches of curlews, a four, and six chicks were all taken. On field two, at Clifton, 13 kites arrived and took one clutch of curlew, one hen partridge with nine chicks and some pheasant poults.
In field three, at Menston, one clutch of curlew was taken, and in field four, pheasant poults. These people have let a big problem into the countryside and now have no answer to it. RIP the curlew and other ground nesting birds.

No Dumbing Down? - Are You Sure?  &

Gaddafi To Be Toppled.

I am rather guarded about getting too excited about the downfall of Colonel Gaddafi. Dreadful as the man clearly is - how can we be certain that his replacement/s will not be even worse? Mobs seldom produce leaders of quality.
I shall be reserving judgement.


I have not had a particularly good time recently where funerals are concerned. But how comforting a Christian funeral can be for the relatives. There is a genuine message of hope.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Paul Nuttall.

I went to see the excellent UKIP Deputy Leader, Paul Nuttall, speak in Sheffield last night.
A 'motivational' speaker - he was truly superb with his gentle 'scouse tones' seemingly adding weight to his already outstanding arguments.
He warned us that there is a move in the EU towards 'regulation' rather than 'tyranny by directives'.
This is simply because 'regulations' more easily bypass national governments.
Those who cannot see what the EU is doing really are 'blinkered'.

More Tory 'Smoke & Mirrors'.

'Up to 70 Conservative MPs are to join a new group dedicated to "reversing the process" of closer European Union integration in a move likely to place fresh strain on the coalition.' - So states The Sunday Telegraph.

Naturally, they are trying to 'prevent further EU integration' and 'to turn things back a bit where matters have gone too far'.
                           Balderdash!   Have they honestly never heard of acquis commaunitaire or 'the EU's ratchet principle' which NEVER allows the national repatriation of powers?
It is redolent of Will Hague's 'In the EU but not of it.' This is not possible.
I could say 'in or out' but the other option is to withdraw to 'associate membership' - otherwise pretty much recognised as The Common Market we actually voted for in 1975!
It is possible - and not being members of the Eurozone, there is little to stop us.

Never Lets You Down!


Mark Knopfler has a rather nice little ditty which goes: "Got my ticket to heaven - and everlasting life ..."
Oddly enough, the song fails to mention either repentance or submission to God the Son or indeed His sacrifice on the cross for us.
I reckon that his ticket is invalid!

Please, NO!

Did I catch the back end of something suggesting that 'Big Brother' is coming back soon?
Hope I was wrong; maybe my hearing's going; maybe I'm delusional; maybe 'they' really are out to get me; maybe it was an advert for '1984'.
Yeah - that'll be it. A nice bit of Orwell. Phew. Don't know why I got so worked up.

First Published in 2008.

Evidence of human activity in whole geological column.
If the geologists are correct in their creation of the so-called 'geological column' - then human activity will only be seen in the 'latest' strata.
They have a small problem in that human activity can be found throughout their so-called column with some of the evidence listed in the chart.

Scaredy Cats.

Polly Toynbee - professional atheist and as good a reason as any not to ever buy a copy of The Guardian - has pulled out of her debate with William Lane Craig. Apparently, she has seen film of him in action and has decided that it would be 'unwise' to meet his challenge! (Radio Humberside.)
Naturally enough, her predecessor in the role of 'atheist-in-chief', Prof Dickie Dawkins - who possesses an even more admirable record for dodging tricky challenges - has determined that he will not take the risk of looking foolish either!  (You can perhaps see why by watching this!)

Blair's Children.

The Spectator.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

You Cannot Work Your Way To Heaven.

'Faith Without Works is dead.' James 2:20.
If you say you are a believer but your life shows otherwise by the spiritual inactivity in God's sphere and social inactivity amongst your neighbours in their sphere - how can you claim to have 'faith'?
Conversely, 'good works' alone have only a superficial value.
You Cannot Work Your Way Into Heaven.
   No. Faith and 'works' are inextricably intertwined within the Two Commandments - to 'Love God' and 'Love your neighbour.'

Read and Weep!

'The report estimates that a financial transaction tax (FTT), as proposed earlier this week by Germany and France, could cost financial markets across the EU between €24.3 billion and €80.9 billion, with the UK financial markets absorbing between €17.5 billion and €58.2 billion (£15bn and £49.9bn) of that cost, using the Commission’s rate of 0.1% for bonds and shares and 0.01% for derivatives and without a burden-sharing system. A large part of these costs would be passed on to consumers.' (Open Europe.)
                                Beyond belief!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Help Others ...

 ... to enjoy this thought-provoking Blog. Please send them this url with a recommendation.
(Please do not send to leftist atheists just to wind them up.)


According to Which - the best washing up liquid is NOT Fairy. For donkeys' years it may or may not have been the best but it has never been the best value under normal circumstances - and seldom when on offer.
So. Why is this worthy of mention? Aldi/Lidl/Netto have been an 'open secret' to many of us for years. Many people who care to try out own brands/ cheaper brands and less fashionable ones discover that there is money to be saved - and permanently. Some of these need to be rejected on grounds of quality - most do not!
So. What's the big deal? - Well, let's say that there are some sixty or seventy brands that you regularly buy. Let us assume that these savings average out to ten pounds a year - taking taxes and N. Insurance into account - this runs at more than a thousand pounds of earned income a year.
Take that sum, look at a working lifetime then 'do the math'. Having done this - consider by how many % this might have increased if invested on the way.
By following this principle - I own a house in Spain!
As for cars - my source tells me that in all but the marque - there is no essential difference between a Hyundai and a BMW! Who turns up a nose at Skodas? - They have the highest 'satisfaction factor' for buyers of any car.
Money comes in 'hard' - as Christians, we are not expected to be poor stewards. After all - the more money you waste - the less remains for supporting worthy causes!

A Jewel Uncovered In The Yorkshire Post.

                               From: Alan Kirby, Haven Court, Hayle.

THE Conservative Party should replace David Cameron urgently with somebody who doesn’t just spout either phoney moral indignation or feel-good soundbites but actually possesses a personal moral compass, and doesn’t just pretend to respect modern sensibilities.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's an EEL!

'A new species of eel has been discovered which is so old that it retains its dinosaur-era characteristics and has been branded a 'living fossil'.
The eel was found in a cave beneath the Pacific Ocean in the Republic of Palau, which is around 500 miles east of the Philippines.
The reddish brown eel is just 1.7 inches long and has many of the hallmarks of the primitive eels of the Mezozoic era - some 200 million years ago.' (Mail)

1) It is a small eel!
2) It is not prehistoric - it is with us today!
3) If it's had 200 million years to change and hasn't bothered - it must be an eel without ambition!
4) It is NOT any less developed than any other eel - merely a non-conformist.
5) It is perfectly adapted to its environment.
6) It has no 'new' features in mid-development.
7) The word 'primitive' is extremely cunning here. It 'proves' the case for the evolutionist without the need for any evidence. The word is an adjective used to support an unwarranted opinion. It possesses all the features of any other eel yet is naughtily allocated to 'a primitive group' in order to validate current views.
8) I could argue that its very discovery - like that of the 'long extinct' coelocanth - fully disproves the hypothesising ideas of evolutionists but I shall not, as it is a mere indicator. (If only evolutionary scientists were as cautious!)
9) What precisely are 'dinosaur era characteristics'?
10) Note how even the term 'living fossil' is designed to 'keep the evolutionist right in his/her opinions!' This is 'a mere aberration'.
11) Although not an argument winner - it is difficult to see why any critter which is adapted to its environment should have 'needed' to evolve.
12) What did other variants of this eel develop into? What could it have developed into? After all - if it's been around that long it MUST have been evolving. Well, mustn't it?Maybe it's just an exception, eh? Maybe it's an eel that just 'couldn't be bovvered'.
13) Might this eel not have simply reached the edge of its genetic parameters? - Hardly likely though, is it? - All species in existence today have some 'residual' genetic flexibility.
14) It has many of the 'hallmarks of the primitive eels of the Mezozoic Era'. Pardon my suspicions - but isn't this also true about all the other 819 recognised species of eel existing today?
15) Having determined by opinion alone that there actually was a Mezozoic Era - all other 'developments' must be forced into this mould.

Socialism Does Not Take Into Account The Nature Of Man.

'An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class.  That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer
The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan"..
All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A....
After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.  The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy..  As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.
The second test average was a D!  No one was happy.
When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F. As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.
All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because
when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. Could not be any simpler than that. (My thanks to Paul B. For this illuminating piece.)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ex Drug Dealer Becomes Pastor.

'Pastor Brian Morris knows first-hand about the importance of salvation - for he was once a drug dealer who was jailed for 12 years before turning his life around.
Far from being horrified, parishioners at Oakdale Baptist Church, near Caerphilly in South Wales, seem unconcerned to have a convicted drug dealer in their midst.'
God has ensured that for the lowest of low lifes, there is a path to salvation. Praise Him!
Read more:

Inflation is Around 4.4%?

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show the annual inflation rate hit 4.4 per cent in July – up from 4.2 per cent in June.

1 Corinthians 6:9.

King James Bible
'Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?'

Total Parasites.

'An immigration officer (IRONY?) returned home to find gipsies had moved in, ransacked the place and dressed in her clothes.
Julia High was even offered a glass of her own wine by the Romanian squatters.
They claimed they had rented the property from her ‘son’ because she had died, and produced a set of fake documents. Miss High, 55, has no son.'
WHY does our society have no means to deal adequately with such people?
WHY do we remain members of the EU which prevents deportations?
WHY do we have to scream for justice?
Regular readers of this Blog will be all too aware!
(In case you wondered whether they might just have been victims with their 'document' - they are now squatting in another house in the locality! - Fancy getting duped twice, eh?)

Germany's Merkel Plans The Fourth Reich.
Do NOT just assume that this link is all hyperbole. There are many pointers to such thinking - not always pointed at Germany - but at the European Union itself.
They date back - wait for it - into the 1920s!

This Blog Opposes Bad Prescription Practices.

                   The shocking truth about wild issuing of benzo prescriptions.
                    (Sound needed.)
