Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Capitulation To The Criminal Classes Is Near Total.

Caught with six kilos of cannabis and you could still avoid jail! (Telegraph.)

Drug runners and dealers could avoid prison even if caught with heroin, cocaine or thousands of pounds worth of cannabis.

Sentencing guidelines issued today say that offenders who play a “limited” role in gangs could face community orders for intent to supply Class A drugs. Dealers caught with 6kg of cannabis, valued at £17,000 and enough to fill 30,000 joints or keep an average user in supply for 17 years, could also avoid prison. The sentences on drug “mules” will be cut substantially, while workers in small cannabis “farms” could escape custody. Courts will be told for the first time to reduce sentences for cannabis possession if it is being used for medicinal purposes.

Only the last sentence contains any sense at all! If I hear the expression 'the war on drugs' again - I think I'm going to scream - we are not even having a minor skirmish.
