Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Rowan Pelling's article about dealing with 'death issues' is not without interest but an old pastor of mine regularly used the phrase 'You are not promised tomorrow.' This was not so much a threat as a very friendly warning.
It never fails to astonish me that people who live under heaps of insurance policies dealing with 'what might happen' are often so slow to deal with what WILL happen - their ultimate departure from this mortal coil.
How can you 'chance it' that Christians are wrong?
How can you make a wild guess or risk a potentially deadly assumption?
Attending four weddings and a funeral would make you an expert in the Christian Faith, would it?
Why do people think - or perhaps I should say hope - that if they have been wrong about God - it will all turn out just fine? After all 'He is a God of love' didn't you tell me?
Think of all the other areas of life where people would never dream of operating to the same criteria.
Consider this analogy: a hurricane warning is given and so you ignore it. Just think of the ramifications and make a comparison.
