Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Counter Video.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) - An Internet video by the former PBS "Science Guy" attacking creationism as "unfit for children" has stirred both creation scientists and intelligent design theorists to counter what they see as Nye's misunderstandings.
In the video for BigThink.com, which amassed over 2.5 million views in one week, the former host of the PBS children's show "Bill Nye the Science Guy" describes the worldview of those who deny Darwinian evolution as "crazy, just untenable, itself inconsistent."
Answers in Genesis (AiG), an apologetics ministry of scientists who support biblical creation, which operates the Creation Museum near Cincinnati, released their own YouTube video featuring two Ph.D. scientists, David Menton and Georgia Purdom, refuting Nye's claims.
Casey Luskin, an attorney and earth sciences expert with the Discovery Institute, a public policy think tank which supports intelligent design, also critiqued Nye on Discovery's evolutionnews.org website.

Assisted Dying.

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