Friday, September 14, 2012

Do NOT Trust Cameron!

If you ever see ANYTHING, from ANY senior tory about 'bringing the EU to heel' or 'repatriating powers' or 'threatening the EU bosses' or 'referenda' or 'suggesting that the UK may quit' then BEWARE!
Take with a HUGE pinch of salt.
The tories have been pulling this very same stunt since Macmillan's government was prepared to sell out from the late 1950s. EVERY tory administration has fooled us, even though at least, Thatcher realised the gravity of what she had done, acted accordingly and paid the tory price of losing the leadership because of it!
They always become 'true eurosceptics' every time an election approaches and allow the tacit agreement with the LibLabs to remove such matters from all public debate to kick in with the probable aid of the BBC.
After all, we must never let the public know just how central to our politics Brussels really is.

Jesus in Hebrews 1.

  3)  The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he...