Saturday, September 01, 2012

Letter From Ghana: Pray For The Paralympians.

After years of preparation, hard work, dreams and prayers the Right to Dream Paralympians are about to perform on the world's stage. Paul and I have been so privileged to get to know this group of inspirational athletes and ask that you would join us in praying for and supporting them over the next few weeks.

The 4 athletes are
Anita Fordjour
A wheelchair racer

Raphael Boyotso, a wheelchair racer

Alem Munmi - a cyclist

And Charles Nartey - a weightlifter

Paul and I have lived in the same village as Raphael, Anita and Alem for the last year. They are 3 of the most faith filled people we have ever met and all of them believe so passionately in representing Ghana, first for God and secondly to change the perceptions Ghanaians have about disability.

In central Accra, there is a crossroads, a busy intersection full of traffic and noise. If you are in the car and are stopped by the light, there you will see Ghana's disabled. As the red light creates a pause, disabled men drag themselves on cobbled together contraptions, a plank of wood with wheels attached. They cross the traffic and come along side the wheels, their hands reach up and they beg for money and mercy. They are treated like rats in the gutter, there is no help and no hope. These 4 athletes offer an alternative for the future, an example of hope amongst the shadows in which they live.

In his time here Alem has trained hard, he has also given so much of his spare time and efforts to set up a small school in the village for those who do not rceive and education. He has had a truly inspiring affect on this village. His dream is to create a children's foundation, his passion is to inspire every child to reach as high as they can imagine and not to limit their expectations no matter if rich, poor, able or disabled.
Unfortunately Alem has been ill over the last few weeks (quite seriously) but you would never know from his enthusiasm and smile, which has apparently never wavered. He is also planning to be in the next Paralympics in Rio, where he will hopefully be at the peak of his athletic career. But please pray that he is able to do his best and recover fully from his sickness.

Raphael is a wonderful man of God, he is so full of faith and the holy spirit, we are really hopeful that we will get him to Bents Green at some point in the future. He is such an inspiring pray-er! Everything he has sacrificed and does is for the glory of God. If Raphael, qualifies or progresses even further, he is under no illusion, he knows it is God and not him. I cannot express what it would mean for him to do well, even non Christians here, say that he shouldnt get a medal, but his 'determination and self believe' could get him through, that determination and believe they talk about is God.

Anita's English is not as good as the other two, she has sacrificed so much and become like a mother to many of the boys here. She has a real chance and we really need to pray for peace for her so that she can perform to her best ability on the day.

Also please pray for Alex their coach, she is a wonderful young women, who has given her all to the project and knows that God is in the centre of it. It has been a huge and daunting undertaking for a young woman to coach men and women so much older than her. Please pray for her strength and patience and that she sees the promises God has made her fulfilled.

As well as the athletics all 5 of them are having a relentless pursuit from the media, which is brilliant. Each one of them is taking the opportunity to speak out for the disabled in their country. Please pray that God will continue to give them wisdom and His words as they represent Him and change the world.

Thank you so much for your support, they are so blessed knowing that their Brothers and sisters are praying for them around the world.


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