Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ryan Goes For Obama.

WASHINGTON – Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan accused President Barack Obama of inaccurately portraying Republican positions using straw man arguments in a Friday speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C. He also accused the president and Democrats of giving up their "pretense of moderation" on the issue of abortion.

A straw man argument is when one misrepresents an opponent's argument by ascribing a position to them that they do not actually hold.
"No politician is more skilled at striking heroic poses against imaginary adversaries, nobody is better at rebuking nonexistent opinions. Barack Obama does this all the time, and in this campaign we are going to call him on it," Ryan said.
These straw man arguments include, according to Ryan, Obama's critics are just pessimistic about the country, Republicans are anti-government, and people who question Obama's policies lack compassion.
Striking a familiar Republican refrain, Ryan argued that Obama's leadership has worsened the economy, citing joblessness, decline in family income and high rates of poverty. If anyone points out these facts, Ryan said, Obama accuses them of "just being negative and pessimistic about the country."
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