Saturday, October 06, 2012

Why Doesn't UKIP Promote Itself More?

This is a question which I recently came across from a reasonably intelligent person who despises the LibLabCon and thus wants a change.
The question is so exceedingly silly however and betrays just how little thinking some voters manage today.
With a deep sigh - I shall answer the point:
Firstly, the media, led by the Beeb, do everything in their power not to introduce any stories about UKIP except when forced or possibly, when may be seen as detrimental to the party. ITN and Sky follow this line but are riddled with the same kind of leftists in any case. It is just a question of degree.
In newspapers, only The Express gives them a fair crack of the whip.
The Mail and Telegraph do all in their power to say as little as possible about UKIP though take only very mild sideswipes. These are the tactics which they are forced to employ as they tread a very fine line between not being able to admit that UKIP are the best we have - and consequently being unable to alienate more sensible readers - whereas on the other hand, they are both tory rags.
The Independent isn't.
The Sun often takes a Daily Mail stance.
The Mirror is openly hostile.
So to counter this deliberate holding back - publicity has to be bought.
Where precisely will this money come from?

Our Broken Justice System.