Friday, November 16, 2012

Pray For Pastor Behnam Irani's Health Which Is Deteriorating Further - And For His Freedom.

A Christian persecution watchdog has started a new campaign pledging support for a pastor in a critical medical state and currently imprisoned in Iran, as well as the many other believers facing persecution around the world.

"As you read this, Pastor Behnam Irani's health is in critical condition and there is a very real chance he will die in Ghezel Hesar prison if he remains in his current condition," Christian Solidarity Worldwide explains in a statement shared with The Christian Post by Kiri Kankhwende, press officer for the organization.
Pastor Irani was arrested back in 2011, allegedly for acting against the interests of national security, although persecution watch groups have maintained that the real reason was for his preaching of the Gospel and leading people to Christ in the largely Islamic country. He had been leading the Church of Iran in the city of Karaj in Alborz Province, and is currently serving a six-year sentence in Ghezel Hesar prison.
