Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Usual Cronyism In New Year's Honours List.

Farage Supports Syrian Christians.

On Radio Two, Nigel Farage clarified his views on taking refugees from Syria. He pointed out that muslims can go to a variety of nearby countries - but Christians cannot!

The Same Yesterday, Today & Forever.

A changeable God would be a terror to the righteous, they would have no sure anchorage, and amid a changing world they would be driven to and fro in perpetual fear of shipwreck. ...Our heart leaps for joy as we bow before One who has never broken His word or changed His purpose.

Biola University.

Voting For Christians.

Christians cannot vote for the BNP with their attitudes to other races.
Christians cannot vote Labour & Lib Dem as SO many policies and attitudes are anti-God.
Christians would be pushed to vote Tory after so many anti-faith acts - even supporting EU courts against our UK believers.
I like UKIP. As a party and as individuals, it may not have a Christian base, but it NEVER attacks or undermines the Christian faith.
Even those who are not particularly keen on the party have no other, realistic place to go!

'Global Warmers' Made To Look Very Silly!


Walk In Love!

Far Too Little - Far Too Late!

Britain could pull out of the European Court of Human Rights because it has lost its legitimacy, Chris Grayling announced yesterdayWe will rein in Strasbourg's human rights judges, pledges Tory minister: Grayling says Britain could pull out of European Court as it has lost its legitimacy

The Tory Party will publish draft legislation over the 'next few months' to rein in the influence of the Strasbourg court, the Justice Secretary revealed. Mail.
Empty promises! (Again.) This was going to happen at the START Of Their Reign!

No Socialism - EVER!

Numpty Alert!

Fighting talk: Deputy PM Nick Clegg warned voters off the Conservatives in his New Year's messageTories will ruin the recovery by flirting with EU exit, says Clegg: Deputy PM says party will put politics ahead of what is best for the country

The Liberal Democrat leader distanced himself from his Coalition partners by saying an EU exit is 'the surest way to throw our recovery away'. Mail.


Published on Thursday, 05 December 2013 13:07
This is a Chancellor who has got his priorities wrong. He promised in 2010 that he would focus on cutting the deficit and reduce debt but under him the Government will have borrowed £198 billion more than he pledged.

Our New Self.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Sir Geoffrey On England's Batting.

Well worth listening to!


Free Speech, Duck Hunting and Double-Standards

By Susan Stamper Brown
Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson's interview with GQ magazine sparked an all-out assault on him, his family and of course, Christianity. This overreaction underscores the double standard of those who applaud free speech, as long as they approved the message. Christian Post.

Mr Collins In The YorksPost.

'This younger generation are also the “it’s not my fault” generation. Someone must be to blame. Let’s sue somebody.'

Every New Proposal From The LibLabCon ...

Tougher Abortion Laws in Spain?


Spain's Government Backs Tougher Abortion Law.

By Katherine Weber. Spain's prime minister agreed to tighter restrictions on abortion Friday, limiting the procedure to only exceptional cases, such as rape, or if the health of the mother is in danger. Christian Post.

Explaining Ephesians.

Is This Really A Good Idea?

A Christian Arab is working on his plan to build a statue of Jesus in Nazareth, the childhood home of Jesus which is now dominated by Arab Muslim citizens of Israel. It will be, he says, larger than the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Christian Post.

I Corinthians 13.

Nigel Farage On Refugees.

Nigel Farage has spoken of the moral case for accepting some Syrian refugees.
Economic migrants 'no': some refugees 'yes'.
He is right, of course. We have a moral obligation to one group but not to the other. Our problem is that having taken so many economic migrants we are ill-equipped to make room for even genuine refugees.

Who? Or Whose?

Divorce? - Heartbreaking.


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Test Squad - We Are Ashamed Of You!

Losing we can take - abject capitulation we cannot! Bye bye Ashes!

You Couldn't Make It Up!

Vicky Pryce dating Dennis MacShane? When he gets out, they'll be able to swap jail tales!

Which Political Side Is Most Anti-Christian?

Easy  - THE LEFT!
So. Who must Christians never vote for? ...

EDL Following The BNP Down The Toilet?

I Never Really Decided Which Extreme The EU Desires Most.

'Moonfleet' - Fails.

Sky has been promoting its 'Moonfleet' two parter for at least three weeks.
The sound quality of the voices was so poor that my wife urged me to turn it off - which I did most happily after seeing a fair chunk. It mattered not whether it was street, beach or tavern - all were the same muffled sounds. Maybe it improved later on - we did not bovver to find out.
Mumbling from the actors combined with obtrusive background noise and listening became a strain for two people with pretty excellent hearing. I have heard far better soundtracks from films produced in the 1930s. If this is supposed to be some sort of 'realism' - it failed!
(Who was mumbling? - Clue above!)


RSPCA 'Sinister & Nasty.'

The RSPCA has become a "sinister and nasty" organisation, the head of the Countryside Alliance has warned.
General Sir Barney White-Spunner has even urged members of his group to stop donating to the animal charity, according to The Telegraph.
The “once great institution” is now more interested in animal rights than promoting welfare, he claims.
“It’s a sad story,” he said. “It’s got plenty of money but its membership has plummeted." Huff Post. Picture: Telegraph.
Well, I concluded this a good while ago. I have long refused to donate anything to the RSPCA and RSPB for rather different reasons.
I'll happily give to the PDSA and Songbird Survival instead.

'White Boys Losing Out To Immigrants'. LABOUR Admission!

Poor school achievement from white boys is linked to immigration from Eastern Europe according to Labour's shadow education secretary.
Tristram Hunt, who is a former television historian, said that more must be done to train British youngsters for skilled jobs. 
He claimed that change was essential as more people from the EU continue to arrive to compete for jobs.
Labour's Tristram Hunt says that his party got their immigration forecasts 'badly wrong'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2530296/White-boys-failing-schools-immigration-says-Labour-spokesman-admits-party-got-figures-badly-wrong.html#ixzz2opb3P3Oc
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Ephesians - What Is The Epistle For?

UKIP Tipped To Win The EU Elections - Tories Third.


An Idea?

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-25345923EU failing Syria refugees - Amnesty.

European leaders should be ashamed by the paltry numbers of refugees from Syria they are prepared to resettle, human rights group Amnesty says. BBC.
The UK is full to overflowing but I know two countries shortly to have an excess of space and a dearth of people living there. If the refugees could be settled in Rumania & Bulgaria with no entitlement to entry into other EU nations ...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The EU And Peace.

Yet again,  I am beginning to spot an abundance of the tired old arguments being trotted out about 'the EU keeping the peace in Europe.'
Let us address this issue:
1) No democracy has ever gone to war with another - so the EU seems largely irrelevant to the point.
2) When empires fall they almost always decay into warfare - and the EU cannot be sustained in its imperialistic desires. A matter of some great concern.
3) NATO, not the EU, has kept the peace where the former communist states are concerned.
Many of the pro-EU apologists are simply not being rational, unlike what is seen in the three points above. Europhile arguments are based on rhetoric, emotionalism and Goebbelsesque propaganda.


A county clerk and chief deputy clerk in New Mexico resigned from their positions after the state's Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage last week. Christian Post.

... Or A Brit!

Afghastlystan: A Waste Of Time And British Lives - Here's Why!

Vital territory won by British forces in Afghanistan risks being lost to the Taliban as Britain completes its military withdrawal by the end of next year, the head of the Army has warned.
Key Afghan towns such as Musa Qala, where British troops suffered heavy casualties during the early phase of military operations in Helmand province, could be retaken by the Taliban as insurgents seek to regain lost territory, General Sir Peter Wall said.
So far 447 British soldiers have died and hundreds more have suffered serious injury during fighting in Afghanistan. The latest British soldier to die there was serving with the Royal Engineers when he was killed during an operation to the east of Kabul earlier this week. Telegraph.

God's Promises.

Yet MORE EU Danger!


Our Overcrowded, Jam-Packed Isle.

 England is officially most densely packed country in Europe after open-door immigration policy allows country to overtake the Netherlands.

PS - If UKIP dare to mention dealing with the issue - don't forget to call them racist!

The Grace Of God.

Chapman Pincher - A Fascinating Man - 100 Next March.

Friday, December 27, 2013

The EU - What Have We Done?

What Have We Done? The surrender of our democracy to the EU, by David G Green
Since joining the European Economic Community in 1973, we have steadily lost the power to govern ourselves. Here Civitas director David Green describes the essential qualities of the free, open and democratic system which evolved over 1,000 years. Under our constitution the fact that the government can be removed immediately by either the Commons or the Crown changes its behaviour. EU officials have been handed powers by parliament at a time when the constitutional importance of being able to oust the government has been forgotten. Civitas.

Egypt Persecution Continues.

A well-known Christian campaigner for religious liberty, Mohammed Hegazy, has been detained in Egypt for allegedly inciting ‘sectarian strife’. Sources are concerned he may be tortured.
Hegazy, 31 – now widely known by his Christian name, Bishoy Armia Boulos – was arrested last Wednesday at a café in Minya, Upper Egypt. Security forces claimed he’d been working for a Christian satellite TV channel and contributing to a ‘false image’ that Christians in Minya are a target for violence.
Boulos’s friends believe his arrest was yet another attempt to persecute Egypt’s ‘best-known convert from Islam’. Boulos was the first Egyptian ever to file a legal suit to seek to change his religious identity on his ID card. As a result, he received death threats, forcing him into hiding. He had previously been arrested and tortured because of his conversion.
The court ruled against him on the grounds that Sharia (Islamic law) forbids anyone to leave Islam. An appeals court suspended his case indefinitely in 2010, to await a ruling by the constitutional court on another case related to religious identity. Both cases have been on hold since the 2011 revolution, as the constitution is revised.
(Source: Morning Star News) Christian Post.

No God.

Pay No Attention To Cable!


The Ossuary Which Contained The Bones Of James The Just?

James was half brother of Jesus. The caption saying so was first thought to be a fake but is now considered likely to be genuine.

EU To Ban Cinnamon Rolls?

Be Forgiving To Other People Who Hurt You.

Another Judge Gets A LoonyTunesWatch Coconut

Back view of mother holding childMother wins right to stay in UK to see the baby girl she stabbed: Bangladeshi woman uses human rights laws to stay after she served five year jail term.

The woman was jailed for five years for the attempted murder of her child with a kitchen knife after her marriage broke down. But in one of several judgements, Mr Justice Mostyn (pictured) ruled she should see her child. Mail.
Guess where all this idiocy originated?

You May Be Able To Forgive People But Not Institutions.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christians Being Bullied Into Silence.

This is NOT about atheists but LEFTIST atheists!

Seeking Wealth? Read The Parable Of 'The Rich Fool?'

Christians Butchered In Iraq.

Militants in Iraq targeted Christians in two separate bomb attacks in Baghdad on Wednesday, killing at least 37 people, officials said.
In one attack, a car bomb went off near a church during Christmas Mass in the capital's southern Dora neighborhood, killing at least 26 people and wounding 38, a police officer said.
A little bit earlier, a bomb ripped through an outdoor market in the nearby Christian section of Athorien, killing 11 people and wounding 21, the officer added.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2529146/Bomb-explodes-near-Baghdad-church-Christmas-Mass-killing-15-people-injuring-30.html#ixzz2oYWBvOyX

So, How Do I Listen To Test Matches In The Car, Huh?

BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra. 
BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra is broadcast only on digital platforms. Unlike sister station 5 Live, no analogue frequency is used.

Socialism - The Reality!

Coconut For Judge!

A judge spared three brothers from jail then told them: ‘Call me Santa Claus’.
The  trio had admitted wounding two men in a fight over the installation of a safety fence at  a building site.
Despite their previous convictions for violence, the siblings were shown goodwill by Judge David Fletcher who handed down suspended jail terms so they could be with their families for Christmas.
As they left the court to celebrate, Judge Fletcher told them: ‘Call me Santa Claus because you have been very lucky.’
Last night campaigners criticised the judge for favouring criminals over their victims.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2529250/Call-Santa-Claus-What-judge-told-three-thug-brothers-spared-jail-attacking-two-men-fight.html#ixzz2oYTjq2SR
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A LoonyTunesWatch Coconut seems an appropriate award!

His Birth Was Only So That He Could Die.


The problem here is that all those animal skins would be going to waste. GREAT IDEA!
So, this is clearly a foot-in-the-door technique - next step vegetarianism!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

This Day. Rejoice!

Music For Christmas Day!


Royal Engineer Killed In Kabul.

Taking deaths of our forces in Afghanistan to 447. Please pray for his family. Will they ever again manage to enjoy this season?

Blessings To Catholic Believers: Blessing To The Suffering Church This Christmas.

Archbishop Vincent NicholsArchbishop of Westminster urges people to think of Christians who suffer for their faith in Christmas Midnight Mass

The head of the Catholic church in England and Wales, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols, told those at Westminster Cathedral to turn their thoughts to the Middle East where Christianity was 'literally born'. Mail.

The Best Gift Of All.

A Christ-Filled Christmas To All.


Should they be allowed to celebrate Christmas? Surely, we do not wish to see them have to indulge in hypocrisy?
Still - I suppose that the Message, which gets ever more deeply concealed each year, may just reach them.
So. I wish to all atheists reading this Blog what is seen on the item above this one!
