Monday, December 23, 2013

Vince Cable.

The creepy Mr Cable has showed sackable disloyalty to the coalition in what appears to be a well-orchestrated attempt to stop anti-tory, former Lib Dem voters drifting inexorably to Labour.
He has tried to whip the fuzzy, do-gooding, hand-wringing, wet-dripping, soft left Lib Dems into a group which claims some sort of dubious 'moral high ground'.
He has attacked Cameron for the already minimalist, tory attitudes towards pragmatism where immigration is concerned.
BUT you have to admit that he's right about the tories being scared stiff of UKIP. Mind you - I can think of two other leaders who are none too happy either!    

If Only I Could Disagree.

Nick Timothy Labour sees success and wants to tax it, not encourage more of it. Reeves and her party are takers not makers, destroyers not c...