Friday, January 25, 2013

The Referendum 'Scam' - Another Factor.

When 'Dave' announced his referendum plan, it became abundantly clear that the 2017 date would only apply if the tories were in government. Clearly then, the likelihood of such a vote is minimal on those grounds alone.
Why did he not fully commit the UK to a referendum, do you ask? It would have put any future, non-tory PM into an extremely difficult position. Had they not wanted the vote, they would have received huge amounts of bad publicity were they to cancel a democratic exercise.
The answer is simple. 'Dave' is well aware that the tories are odds on to lose the next general election PLUS - he doesn't actually want the referendum.
Doing things this way round - he scores a great publicity victory but does NOTHING to detach us from the wiles of The Evil Empire.
