Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dehydrating Patients To A Cruel Death.

From: Jack Kinsman, Stainton Drive, Grimsby.
IF an ageing relative is in 
constant pain, and I assist her 
to have a decent pain-free 
death in a dignified way by taking her to Switzerland, I will be severely punished and put in prison.If this same relation is in 
agony, and I deprive her of 
water, at home (which is a very painful death), I will be prosecuted by a court of law and end up in prison. If I take my very poorly aged relative to hospital, put on a 
white coat, call myself a 
“doctor”, I can starve my relative to nearly the point of death, then deprive her of fluids, so that she dies a terrible death 
of dehydration, then that is perfectly legal.What a stupid “Health Service” this Government runs when my relatives cannot die with dignity as they wish to do, but can be murdered by the state. I wonder what I fought for! Yorks Post.
