Saturday, January 31, 2015

Major Employers Support UKIP's 'Veterans Into Work' Plan.

Mike Hookem MEP - “Asda, RAC and 

Tesco leading the way in supporting veterans 

into work”

Mike_Hookem.jpgMike Hookem MEP, UKIP’s defence spokesman has today welcomed a decision by the US owned supermarket chain, Asda, join the RAC and Tesco in signing a corporate covenant and guaranteeing armed forces veterans job interviews within 12 months of being honourably discharged.
Speaking from Brussels, Mike said, “As a veteran myself, I think the decision by Asda, Tesco’s and the RAC to guarantee interviews to former members of the armed force is a giant leap forward in corporations recognising what amazing employees veterans can often be.”
“Veterans bring with them a proven dedication, self discipline, and a massive range of skills that are fully transferable to the private sector. Too many veterans currently struggle to find work and adapt to civilian life once they have left the armed forces, and in extreme cases, this can lead to addiction problems and homelessness.”

Basis For Prayer.

The Global Terrorism Index.

Radical Islamic groups responsible for majority of worldwide terrorist deaths.
Four Islamic groups were responsible for the deaths of almost two-thirds of the nearly 18,000 people killed last year in terrorism attacks, according to a report published this week.

The Global Terrorism Index report says that the four groups - Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Boko Haram and 'Islamic State' - have in common "religious ideologies based on extreme interpretations of Wahhabi Islam," although their strategic goals may differ. Along with their affiliate groups, they account for 66% of claimed terrorist deaths in 2013.

Explaining David Cameron.

God In Three Persons.

100 Reasons To Vote UKIP.

If every voter were to read this carefully, UKIP would not just win a handful of seats but would form a majority government!

Anxious? - Don't Be.

Nigel Farage Would Like A CLEAN Campaign.

The Ukip leader accused Labour and the Tories of recruiting “attack campaign” strategists to pump out smears in the run-up to polling day on May 7. And he feared the tone of the campaign would be relentlessly negative with a big emphasis on the use of social media. He said: “The truth is that this will go down as, potentially, the dirtiest general election campaign in British history
"Both Labour and the Conservatives have drafted in expensive, US-style attack campaign strategists.
“What this means, in practical terms, is that our election campaigns, traditionally marked by playful newspaper headlines and upbeat party political broadcasts, are more likely to become a ‘tear chunks out of one another’ affair.
“It’s a great shame, and I have personally said that I want to have no part of this.” Express.
(Good luck!)

Are You A Secret Pharisee?

2.1 Billion Reasons To Quit The ECHR.

Only 13 out of nearly 2,000 cases brought against Whitehall departments last year were upheld by the Strasbourg judges. But preparing for, and complying with, the actions still costs British taxpayers an estimated £2.1billion a year. The cases only end up in Europe after our Court of Appeal kicks them out. Express.

Russian Nuclear Bombers In Our Airspace. Response By LibLabCon Greens?

A Russian Bear aircraft is escorted by a Royal Air Force Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) Typhoon during an intercept in September 2014.
 Royal Air Force aircraft at RAF Lossiemouth launched the Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) for the first time since the Moray base took on the role of defending the UK s Northern airspace. Typhoon jets were scrambled to identify aircraft in international airspace. The aircraft, identified as Russian military  Bears , did not enter UK airspace.
Hmm. Er. Tricky. Yes ... gottit! Let's see if we can reduce all our defence spending!

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Story Of A Sofa: Jonathan In The Northern Journal.

I normally write in this column about the major political issues of the day, but nothing better encapsulates what’s wrong with the European Union than the curious incident of the sofa in my office.

On July 1, the new MEPs took up our seats and we were shown to our shiny new offices. Everything is luxurious, but utterly grey and soulless: just like the European Union itself.
Each office comes with a wooden unit with drawers, wardrobes and a fold-out sofa built in.
I arrived in my Brussels office, only to find that someone had screwed the sofa shut. Not having a screwdriver of the right size handy, not wanting to risk taking a screwdriver from the UK in case of awkward questions at customs, and thinking it was a straightforward task, I asked for the Parliament’s furniture services to simply come and remove the screw.
“Remove the screw?” I was told, in horror. “But you are a député. You must have a new sofa!” My protests about waste fell on deaf ears.
A couple of months passed, including the August break, and so I chased the matter up at the start of September. I again proffered the suggestion that they might merely send someone to remove the screw, but to no avail.
I don’t spend much time lounging around on sofas in my office; I’m almost always out meeting people. So I didn’t think much more of it until late October when I arrived to find that there were workmen in my office. Excellent, I thought. This madness will finally be resolved.
Later in the day, not only had the sofa been removed but the entire unit was now in the corridor outside my office. The next day, a team arrived and the entire wall was repainted and covered with new wallpaper.
Fast-forward to late December, because absolutely nothing at all had happened in the meantime. The sofa was still there, no doubt a health and safety issue, clogging up the corridor.
It had annoyed one of the senior staff out here so much that she telephoned the furniture services and insisted that the ‘Head of Furniture’ come to my office. He agreed that the situation was unacceptable; it would be fixed right away.
Off the record, I later received a tip-off from someone else that there were language and communications issues. The main languages spoken here are French and English (with a smattering of German, Spanish and Italian thrown in) but that many of the workers speak other languages and aren’t able to communicate well.
By the middle of January I had given up. But this week, almost seven months after I first complained, I turned up to my office to find that there was no longer furniture in the corridor outside.
But there’s still no sign of the new sofa (or any of the storage facilities which I actually needed). I’m curious as to which will happen first: the arrival of the replacement unit, or the end of my term of office in 2019.
It reminds me of the old joke about the Communist country where a man went to buy a new fridge. He was told that it would be delivered 18 years from today. He asked “morning or afternoon?” and was told that it would be there in the morning. “That’s a relief”, he said. “The plumber’s coming in the afternoon.”
This, sadly, is a metaphor for the broken bureaucracy of the European Union. Whereas the screw in my sofa was too tight, the system itself has a screw loose.
Ever wondered why we get such little value for money from the £55+ million we hand over to Brussels every single day from our taxes?
My phone is now broken too. I’m just too scared to tell them...
Jonathan Arnott is Ukip MEP for the North East of England.

Dangerous Pride.

Well. All I Can Say Is, 'By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them.'

Obama: Those Who Say I'm Not a Christian Don't Know Me, But a Non-Christian President Would Be OK

obama state of the union
President Barack Obama said that those who believe he is not a Christian do not know him, but even if he were not a Christian, there would be nothing wrong with that. Obama made the remarks in a speech in New Delhi, where he called on India to do more to safeguard religious freedom. Christian Post.

Who He Is.

Chuck Unamuno.

The shadow business secretary is getting fed up with people getting his name wrong. This Blog has sympathy for your plight, Chuck.

Love Means ...

Wolf Hall.

Have just seen the second episode and I adore it! (My better half has made a grievous error in deciding to give it a miss, I think.) Mark Rylance's understated Thomas Cromwell is an acting master class which leaves you mesmerised the entire time he is before you on the small screen. Furthermore, the excellence of Hillary Mantel's sympathetic writing up of the misunderstood,  Tudor lackey is both powerful and intriguing. (Outside of this and the sequel, I can have little positive to say about the eccentric authoress.)

Abortions: Roughly 200,000 Overall Per Annum In The UK.

Planned Parenthood Aborted 327,653 Babies in 2013, Received Over $528 Million in Federal Tax Dollars BY SAMUEL SMITH America's largest abortion corporation, Planned Parenthood, recently released its 2013 annual report that shows the organization conducted more abortions than it did the previous year, despite the fact that the abortion industry as a whole is seeing a steady decline in the number of abortions. Christian Post.

Abortions In The USA.

55 Million Babies and 43 Years Later: Abortion Still an Iconic Battle Line

A bill meant to ban abortions after 20 weeks after fertilization will likely be voted on in the Republican-dominated House of Representatives on Thursday, which is the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade and also the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Christian Post.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Sociologists: 'Christianophobia,' Anti-Christian Hostility Infects Powerful Elite Subculture (Interview)

A small, but elite group of Americans demonstrate signs of anti-Christian hostility, sociologists David Williamson and George Yancey claim in their new book, "So Many Christians, So Few Lions: Is There Christianophobia in the United States?" Christian Post.

Newsweek Talking Drivel.

A prominent Southern Baptist Convention leader has denounced a front page Newsweek piece calling evangelical and fundamentalist Christians "God's frauds."
Dr. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, posted an entry on his website Monday taking issue with Kurt Eichenwald's lengthy essay on the Bible.
Titled "The Bible: So Misunderstood It's a Sin," the Eichenwald piece set to be in print later this week argued that the Bible of today is not the original Bible and that groups like fundamentalists and evangelicals are "God's frauds."
"They wave their Bibles at passersby, screaming their condemnations of homosexuals. They fall on their knees, worshipping at the base of granite monuments to the Ten Commandments while demanding prayer in school," wrote Eichenwald.
"They appeal to God to save America from their political opponents, mostly Democrats. They gather in football stadiums by the thousands to pray for the country's salvation."
Mohler denounced the piece, contrasting it with past articles from mainstream media outlets like Time Magazine and evenNewsweek.
"When written by journalists like Newsweek's former editor Jon Meacham or TIME reporters such as David Van Biema, the articles were often balanced and genuinely insightful," wrote Mohler.
"But Newsweek's cover story is nothing of the sort. It is an irresponsible screed of post-Christian invective leveled against the Bible and, even more to the point, against evangelical Christianity. It is one of the most irresponsible articles ever to appear in a journalistic guise."
Mohler dubbed the work a "hit-piece" wherein Eichenwald's "only sources cited within the article are from severe critics of evangelical Christianity, and he does not even represent some of them accurately." Christian Post.

No Political Extremes, Thanks! the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence. - Gary Lloyd. 

Exodus And Archaeology.

Kidnappings - Prayer Needed.

"Urgent. Soldiers of the Islamic State captured 21 Christian crusaders," the statement reads, which included three pictures showing only 20 captured Coptic Christians. The statement did not specify when the captives were abducted but a spokesman for the Egyptian foreign ministry, Badr Abdel Atti, confirmed to AFP that at least 20 Egyptians were abducted in two separate incidents in Libya and they "are still being detained" by their captors. Christian Post.


Marine Le Pen.

French far-rightist Jean-Marie Le Pen was quoted by a Russian newspaper as saying that “intelligence agencies” were behind the Paris attacks. EU Observer.

So. It seems that Marine's attempts to take Le Front National from extremes and into the basic right of the political mainstream is not going to be working in the near future. I have commented before on this Blog as to how her desire to abandon the hard right is seemingly being thwarted by her disagreeable father.

Bad Advice.

Greek Financial Markets Are In Chaos.

Naturally,people are selling stocks as fast as they can. They have an extreme left government. When has a leftist government in recent decades or ever - ever achieved anything? They have consistently failed in the UK and just look at what Monsieur Hollande has achieved in France!

He Is ...

Ah Yes, It Is Called 'UKIP Policy.'

Every foreign recruit to NHS will have to take an English test: Ministers set to vote on law change in weeks.

Trying Out Christianity.

Leftist Doublethink On Pornography.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

UK's Books To Balance This Year, Huh? - I Am Waiting.

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Abortion: The Haunting.

Selfish, Smallminded, Ignorant And Missing The Point.

Support Marriage! Paul Coleridge, founder of the Marriage Foundation and a former high court judge, has suggested that couples should receive increasing tax-breaks at 'marriage milestones' to encourage them to stick together. "Increasing the tax allowance at five years, 10 years and so on would do two things – it would make clear staying together does not cost the state a penny while splitting up does and it would send a message to couples to stay together," he said. Read more. Christian Concern.

Redwood - Tory Prophet of Doom?

The veteran eurosceptic MP and former environment secretary said he believed David Cameron could win a majority in 2015 despite the polls, but warned: "it may even be the last election we could win." He said: "If we don't win it and it produces the muddle of another coalition], that may become the common pattern." Huff Post.

GK On The Roman Church.

Stuart Broad.

Crass remarks about those on benefits by the millionaire cricketer have 'caused outrage.' I am not sure that these reports can be the truth. He has not (yet) been linked to UKIP. Surely this is a major oversight by the establishment. After all, if there is any negative it must (by law???) be attached to UKIP. Am I wrong? - I definitely thought that these were the rules.

Well Said, Tom.

Sky News.

On the same day that a Mirror Poll showed UKIP on 23% we saw a frightening manipulation of stats by Sky News which claimed that UKIP would only take 2 seats in May. This is the same tactic long used by the Telegraph showing a UKIP wipeout in so many editions. Allowing for the fact that UKIP (at worst) will seemingly gain 16% of the vote, one major factor has apparently not been considered. There are many seats where the UKIP vote will be very low indeed - notably in Scotland. That means that averages could easily be two or even three times higher in many target seats.                                                                                                                    This, of course, means that the establishment are prepared to use every means at their disposal to undermine the party which terrifies them!

Prayers of Tax Collectors (And Sinners.)

Sickening and Duplicitous.

Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) 1.jpgBritain would be BETTER with fewer migrants, says Cameron who stands by broken pledge to cut migration to 'tens of thousands'

The Prime Minister insisted he did not regret his pledge to cut net migration to the 'tens of thousands' and claimed immigration at 1980s levels would stop it being a major political issue. Mail.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


You would have thought that banner headlines would have been the order of the day as more negative facts have been put into the public domain about Amjad Bashir MEP. Not embarrassing for UKIP - they were investigating the many complaints - but deadly for the Tories who have welcomed him into their ranks.
So, as these stories emerge - and it appears that there may be more to come - why have editors stepped back, I wonder? - Ah, yes. Must protect the establishment parties against the populist threat!

Apparently, 'Labour Voters Would Prefer Alan Johnson As Leader.'

So obvious, hardly worth bothering to report, I reckon.


Prison Effectiveness.

Prison has a moderate record for reducing re-offending – 46 per cent of adults are reconvicted within one year of release.

However, compare this to the HUGE re-offending rates of those given 'community penalties'.

We must never forget, however, that rehabilitation is not the only aim of incarceration. It is also for: public protection, deterrence and retribution - some things where community penalties have an overwhelming rate of failure! Furthermore, only the very worst offenders are jailed - so no surprise that many will reoffend. Rocket science that conclusion ain't!

Fair Comment Or Bigotry. Metaxas.

Every year, (usually at Christmas time,) a so-called "mainstream" magazine takes up the topic of Christianity or the Bible. Often, Christians who believe the Bible get a fair hearing—other times, not so much. This last time, it was Newsweek and journalist Kurt Eichenwald doing the "honors."
Here's the title: "The Bible: So Misunderstood It's a Sin." Actually, this piece is so ill-informed that it's a sin—not just against God but against good journalism. Al Mohler had this to say: "[Eichenwald's] article is a hit-piece that lacks any journalistic balance or credibility. His only sources cited within the article are from severe critics of evangelical Christianity."
Actually, perhaps Dr. Mohler is being too kind! I only mention the Newsweek piece to make a point—that the Christian worldview is under assault 24/7, and we need to be prepared to make a rational, reasonable defense of the truth of the faith.
Of course, the Bible has plenty of allies, not the least of which is the discipline of archaeology. Over the years, we've told you about some of the fascinating discoveries that have confirmed the accuracy of both the Old and New Testaments.
For instance, secular scholars had long doubted whether King David ever actually existed—until, that is, archaeologists found extra-biblical evidence: a piece of stone from an ancient victory monument, which bore the inscription in ancient Aramaic, "King of Israel" and "House of David."
One recent archaeological discovery was big enough to make the front page of the Washington Post. As the Post reports, archaeologists digging beneath the floor of an abandoned building in Jerusalem's Old City have discovered the suspected remains of the palace where the trial of Jesus Christ may have taken place.
Yisca Harani, an expert on Christianity and pilgrimage to the Holy Land, said, "For those Christians who care about accuracy in regards to historical facts, this is very forceful."
Well, I dare say that we Christians certainly do care. After all, Christianity, unlike many other religions, makes certain historical claims, that God visited His people in space-time history. As the Apostle Peter said in Scripture, "For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty."
Although our faith does not depend on archaeology, I can't help but get excited when a piece of holy history is unearthed for all the world to see.
And here's another reason to be excited about archaeology and biblical history: Next week, Monday January 19th, is a one-night showing of a compelling film entitled "Patterns of Evidence: Exodus." Filmmaker Tim Mahoney has tackled one of the thorniest issues inarchaeology, one that actually pits many modern archaeologists against the biblical narratives: Did the Exodus really take place, or was it nothing more than a grand folk myth?
Mahoney interviews leading archaeologists. He takes us to digs on the Nile Delta and asks, were these the homes of Canaanite slaves? If so, why did they leave all of a sudden? Is the statue of an Egyptian official of "Asiatic" descent—one depicted with a multicolored coat—from the tomb of the biblical Joseph?
The argument, at least from the perspective of an archaeologist, hinges on one critical question, one that I'm not going to give away, because I hope you will go and see the movie.
From BreakPoint. Reprinted with the permission of Prison Fellowship Ministries. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of Prison Fellowship Ministries. "BreakPoint®" and "Prison Fellowship Ministries®" are registered trademarks of Prison Fellowship

Pots 'n' Kettles.

World football chief Sepp Blatter came under fire for corruption allegations in the EU parliament on Wednesday.



World Evangelical Alliance New CEO Is Filipino Bishop Efraim Tendero BY ANUGRAH KUMAR

The World Evangelical Alliance, which represents more than 600 million evangelicals around the globe, has announced the appointment of Bishop Efraim Tendero, currently the National Director of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches, as its next Secretary General and CEO. Christian Post.
