Monday, January 26, 2015

NHS? - Trust UKIP.

Apparently, now, criticising waste in the National Health Service is beyond reproach. Labour seem to want some kind of NHS blasphemy law, and the Tory Party simply regurgitates everything Labour HQ spins. 

Meanwhile, people in this country are struggling and want answers.
That’s why I unveiled, on the Andrew Marr programme, UKIP’s costed commitment to inject £3bn into the NHS if we ever find ourselves in a position to deliver a full manifesto. 
The question is: do we trust the establishment on these critical matters anymore?
This is far from what Labour would do: presumably inject the £2.5bn they’ve promised, on borrowed money, while demanding no changes to the bloated middle management at a cost to frontline services. 
And the Tories? Well, they’ve accepted Labour Private Finance Initiative plans and are pressing ahead with taking the UK into the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership deal through the EU. This would be privatisation by the back door. 
I’ve been quite clear – while the other parties have refused to have the debate, UKIP has actually, internally discussed real details about the structure of our health service and how it delivers for the British people. 
And of course all the “weaponised” attacks from the Labour Party have come while we’ve learned about the overspend and fraud claims at Broadmoor Hospital. 
So which is it? Do we want someone to fix our NHS and deliver value for money? Or do we want to continue along in denial?
Let’s be clear. The reason that the NHS needs more money is because we are a country with a population that is – in great part – growing due to mass migration. We’re also all living longer. So to say that we can get by with an “NHS ring fence” or by borrowing money to prop it up is extraordinary.  I hope I don’t need to remind anyone that Labour entered this country into Private Finance Initiatives that are set to cost us £300bn because of private capital. The question is: do we trust the establishment on these critical matters anymore?
I for one don’t. And I know that given the other scandals these past few governments have presided over; whether it be the scandal of mass migration, the failure to eradicate the deficit, the shocking rape and grooming of girls in Rotherham, and more – their credibility in being shot across the board. 
At this election, Labour and the Tories will fight for your vote on basically a “more of the same” platform. UKIP is offering a choice. And a costed one at that.
If Britain were to leave the European Union, in an instant we would free up billions in cash that we could spend on frontline services here in Britain. The same applies to the bloated foreign aid budget that the Tories have insisted must be ring fenced too. 
So you have a very serious decision to take in May. Every single vote will count. More of the same? Or bold new thinking? 
But don’t let me sway you. Check the manifestos. Ask questions of the stories in the news. Dig deeper. And draw your own conclusions. I’m confident that you’ll be genuinely excited about the prospect of UKIP holding the balance of power. I know I am. Express. Nigel Farage.


This historic village in the Lakes is still ‘the loveliest spot that man hath ever found’ . Beloved by Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, t...