Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sky News.

On the same day that a Mirror Poll showed UKIP on 23% we saw a frightening manipulation of stats by Sky News which claimed that UKIP would only take 2 seats in May. This is the same tactic long used by the Telegraph showing a UKIP wipeout in so many editions. Allowing for the fact that UKIP (at worst) will seemingly gain 16% of the vote, one major factor has apparently not been considered. There are many seats where the UKIP vote will be very low indeed - notably in Scotland. That means that averages could easily be two or even three times higher in many target seats.                                                                                                                    This, of course, means that the establishment are prepared to use every means at their disposal to undermine the party which terrifies them!


This historic village in the Lakes is still ‘the loveliest spot that man hath ever found’ . Beloved by Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, t...