Saturday, February 28, 2015

Thinking Of Voting LibLabCon? - Unwise!

EU - Let's Brainwash Pupils!

Cambridge University Professor David Abulafia claimed there was a tendency to teach European history as a story about ever greater unity.

He warned teachers were using a “soft push” approach in class to mislead pupils into thinking being European citizens was more important than loyalty to their own countries.

The Mediterranean expert said: “There is a soft push to create a sense of European citizenship, which is based on frankly an invented common history, because the history of Europe is to a large extent the history of division, not the history of unity.”

He added the EU should not use “the myth of a common European identity” to suggest the EU was “inevitable” and justified by history.

His warning came with the launch of a campaign group, Historians For Britain, which is made up of 30 leading academics, who back an in-out referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union.

No To Discrimination.

Local Views Ignored: Blight of Wind Turbines In Hartlepool.

Local UKIP Euro-MP Jonathan Arnott has reacted angrily to planning approval being given for three huge wind turbines in Hartlepool.
“Although slightly smaller than originally envisaged they are still monstrous beasts at 574 ft (175m). I find it horrifying that they will be 56ft higher than Blackpool Tower and visible from five miles away.
“And as well as being a terrible eyesore they are not an efficient energy source,” said Mr Arnott.
“I completely understand that in this day and age we need to look at sustainable energy sources but expensive wind farms are not the answer. The winners are wealthy landowners and the losers families and pensioners who feel the brunt of the subsidy on their energy bills.
“We should instead be investing in alternative technologies such as tidal and nuclear power, which are both far more sustainable and efficient.
“Hundreds of objections were made by local people to these turbines at Graythorp Industrial Estate, Brenda Road West Industrial Estate and Tofts Road West and their views have been ignored. Future generations will look back at this era of wind turbines and see it for the utter madness it is,” he added.
Local UKIP Hartlepool PPC Phillip Broughton added “I don’t believe that people want wind turbines in the area at all, but they certainly do not want any this big.  The idea of putting turbines higher than Blackpool tower within the town is crazy.   Besides this, these turbines will simply result in yet more expensive taxpayer subsidies for inefficient wind technology.

Farage To Win In S. Thanet?

nigel farage, ukip, south thanet, craig mackinlayGETTY.
Poll suggests Nigel Farage will sail to victory in South Thanet.
The UK Independence Party leader has surged into a formidable 11-point lead in the race to become MP for South Thanet this May.

And in a blow to David Cameron, the Tories are trailing behind Labour in the Kent constituency.

The findings of the Survation poll, commissioned by a Ukip donor, will be announced at the anti-Brussels party’s spring conference in Margate today.

It is expected to be a massive morale boost to Mr Farage’s “People’s Army” with the general election just 68 days away.

A Ukip source said: “We are certainly not complacent but the mood is very up.

“It is clear that Nigel is on course to be where he belongs, in the House of Commons.”

A total of 38.6 per cent of the 1,011 voters quizzed by Survation in the poll said they planned to support Mr Farage on May 7.

Labour candidate Will Scobie was backed by 27.6 per cent, ahead of Tory candidate Craig Mackinlay with 26.6 per cent.

The Green Party were in fourth place with 3.1 per cent, pipping the Lib Dems on 2.1 per cent.

Al Murray, the comedian behind the “pub landlord” character who is standing as a novelty candidate, polled 1.4 per cent support. 

The poll, funded by Ukip donor Alan Bown and carried out from February 18 to 20, is understood to have calmed some jitters in Ukip circles.


Third Party Insurance For Your Lawnmower. (EU, Of Course.)

How To Enslave.

UKIP's Outstanding Spring Conference.

One More Charity Not To Be Trusted With Your Money.

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust has given £305,000 to Cage, the group which yesterday described Mohammed Emwazi, aka Jihadi John, as 'beautiful'. A charity set up in memory of Body Shop founder Anita Roddick also handed over £120,000. Lord Carlile, a former independent reviewer of anti-terror legislation, said he had serious concerns about Cage and would never advise giving it money. Mail.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Leonard Nimoy - RIP.

St Francis.

'Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self.' Francis of Assisi.

Why Use Your Vote To Hand Power To The Undeserving Who Despise Your Views?

Now look at this picture below!

Libnorants in The USA.

Purest Insanity - Clearly, As A People, We Deserve All We Get!

Britons would vote to remain in the EU by a 10 percent margin, according to new polling published on Wednesday (25 February).
Forty-five percent of Britons would back continued membership of the bloc, while 35 percent would vote to leave, according to pollsters YouGov. The lead for the ’IN’ campaign is the largest since YouGov began monthly polls on the question of EU membership in September 2010.

Another 'Proof' of Evolution Taught In Classrooms as 'Fact' Bites The Dust!

FINCH GENE FLOW reported in BBC News, Nature news and ScienceDaily 11 February 2015. A group of scientists from Princeton and Uppsala Universities have carried out an extensive study of the genomes of finches of the Galapagos Islands, otherwise known as “Darwin’s Finches”. The researchers compared genomes of 120 birds, including individuals from all finch species on the Galapagos Island, along with birds from the Cocos Island and the South American mainland. They found there was “extensive evidence for interspecific gene flow, i.e. movement of genes between different species. This fits with previous observations that finches classified as different species do breed with one another, and the resulting offspring are fertile, and not sterile as true hybrids are. The resulting finch offspring can mate with an individual from either of the two parental species, and also produce fertile offspring. The most distinctive difference between the offspring and parent birds in all cases is the size and shape of their beaks. Over the last decade scientists have found a number of genes that contribute to beak size and shape. This new study examined a gene named ALX1. The research team found two variations of this gene. One variant was associated with pointed beaks, and was found in all cactus finches, which feed on cactus flowers. The other was associated with blunt beaks, and was found in seed eating birds such as the large ground finch. Medium ground finches, which have some variation in beak shape within the one species, have a mix of the two variants.

ED. COM. Although these birds are often referred to as “Darwin’s Finches” Darwin wrote very little about them, and he did not use them as evidence for his theory in Origin of Species. Darwin simply collected some specimens, made a passing reference to them is his journal, and delivered them to the British Museum. Others then classified them into different species and turned them into icons of evolution. However, this study confirms they are really variations of the same finch kind as we have always stated, and the extensive gene flow between species is no surprise to us. This new study of finch genes is further confirmation that beak shapes are not proof of evolution, even though they are used in biology textbooks as a classic case of evolution over millions of years. Interbreeding of ‘different beak shaped’ birds produces new beak shapes in one generation, not millions of years, and has nothing to do with environmental induced evolution at all. The fact that the variety of beak shapes is simply the result of mixing variations of the same genes reinforces the evidence they are all of one kind. The different beak shapes do allow the birds to exploit different food sources, but this is not evolution. Narrow pointed beaks are suitable for inserting into cactus flowers, but not much use for cracking seeds. Thick blunt beaks are good for cracking seeds. Therefore, birds will survive wherever there is appropriate food for their beak shape, and die out where the right food is not available. This is natural selection, but it is not evolution. These results are confirmation of what creationists have been saying for many years, i.e. the Galapagos finches are all one FINCH kind, and the beak shapes are simply variation within kind. (Ref. genetics, hybrids, ornithology) Creation Research.


Many accounts of UKIP members have been hacked and filled with vile material. New Twitter and Facebook accounts have been created in the names of UKIP politicians and filled with vile material. (Stuart Agnew, the sweet and charming UKIP MEP is one such victim.)
Heavy prison sentences should be placed on the perpetrators of this abhorent, anti-democratic practice - which I suppose brings us to BBC2 and Channel 4.

The REAL Lady Penelope - (Ignore recent fakes!)

My boyhood pinup even though some accused her of some rather 'wooden' acting skills.

Cameron A Disgrace.

It appears that Cameron has known for some time the name and origins of the so-called Jihadi John but has seemingly suppressed the information. It toook the Americans to release the truth. This is an absolute disgrace.

I'm Sorry But It's Not A Laughing Matter!

Nigel Wows America. (Liberal Categories Excluded.)

Like It!

Jonathan on E-Cigs.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thrillers - Either Written, Filmed or Televised.

If the blurb about a thriller contains the words: glitzy, private yacht, luxurious, millionaire, billionaire, luxury lifestyle, mansion, private helicopter/jet, celebrity, famous sportsman, star et al - it does not even register on my radar and I tend to give it a miss. Concentrating on the rich and famous is not only tedious in the extreme but a poor substitute for intelligent writing.

Conform To God's Will.

The History of The Falkland Islands.

Burning Questions.

Burning Questions DVD Documentary.
Burning Questions is an apologetics documentary that takes six big questions and explores them from different angles. As well as interviewing many wonderful Christian thinkers, the documentary also interacts with leading advocates of other worldviews (such as Peter Atkins and Stephen Law on atheism). The series was broadcast on national TV by RZIM. The website has trailers and free online content, such as a study guide for churches and small groups. The DVD series is available internationally. This is a great resource—both for sitting down and watching with non-Christian friends or for getting Christians fired up and equipped for sharing Christ more effectively. Apologetics 315.

So. Do The Police Know Who Murdered Claudia Lawrence?

Evolution Not Occurring Is Proof of Evolution?

TWO BILLION YEARS OF NON-EVOLUTION FOUND, according to UCLA news release 2 February 2015 and PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1419241112. A team of researchers have found fossils of filamentous microbes in the Duck Creek Formation in Western Australia, dated as 1,800-million-years old. According to their summary in PNAS the microbes are “essentially identical both to a fossil community 500 million years older and to modern microbial biotas discovered off the coast of South America in 2007”. The news release begins with the following paragraph: “An international team of scientists has discovered the greatest absence of evolution ever reported — a type of deep-sea microorganism that appears not to have evolved over more than 2 billion years. But the researchers say that the organisms’ lack of evolution actually supports Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution”. (emphasis in original) According to the director of UCLA’s Center for the Study of Evolution and the Origin of Life J. William Schopf, “The rule of biology is not to evolve unless the physical or biological environment changes, which is consistent with Darwin”. He went on to explain: “These microorganisms are well-adapted to their simple, very stable physical and biological environment. If they were in an environment that did not change but they nevertheless evolved, that would have shown that our understanding of Darwinian evolution was seriously flawed”.
Link: UCLA News  

ED. COM. The evolutionists certainly want to have things both ways – if living things change, it’s proof of evolution; if they don’t change, it is still proof of evolution. Schof’s comment exposes a fundamental flaw in Darwin’s theory, i.e. the claim that changes in the environment cause living things to evolve into new and different life forms. But let us speak plainly about what these fossil microbes reveal. If fossil microbes are the same as other fossil microbes, irrespective of what age they are claimed to be, and are the same as living microbes, face up to it – they have not evolved in any way, regardless of what theory of evolution you use! The only correct thing Darwin would have said about these microbes is that they are “living fossils”. Darwin coined this term for organisms whose living and fossil examples are the same. However, he didn’t think this through. Living fossils are evidence against evolution, and are positive evidence that living things multiply after their kind, just as Genesis says. Creation Research. (Ref. microbiology, bacteria)

Wolf Hall - Indubitably The Best Ever Costume Drama.

Mark Rylance the best understated performance by any British actor?

Ken Clarke 'Right About Something' Shock.

It had to happen one day, I suppose. Ken Clarke is actually correct in his thinking. He has stated that putting troops into The Ukraine must not occur.

20 Stone Tiddler Caught On Rod and Line in Italy's Po River.

Wells catfish poses for the camera.

VC - Beyond The Call of Duty. Gallantry Medal Justly Awarded.

It was supposed to be a routine mission like countless others during the long campaign in Afghanistan.
A joint force of British soldiers and United States Marines would helicopter into an area, flush out any fighters that might be there and hold meetings with the village elders.
Yet on what should have been an ordinary patrol, L/Cpl Joshua Leakey’s actions were so extraordinary that he has now won Britain’s highest award for battlefield gallantry.
The 27-year-old serving with 1st Bn the Parachute Regiment single-handedly turned the tide of a Taliban attack and prevented considerable loss of life by repeatedly running through heavy fire to man machine guns.


Ridiculous - Even If It Had Been A Christian.

Asif Masood.  An unlicensed drink-driver who was three times over the limit when he crashed his car has avoided jail - because he converted to ISLAM.  See NTI story NTIMUSLIM.  Sozzled Asif Masood, 40, ploughed his Ford Focus into a fire hydrant after driving over a roundabout following a drinking binge on November 17 last year.  Nottingham Magistrates' Court heard when police arrived at the scene in Strelley, Notts., at 1am they found him swaying next to the badly damaged car.  Masood told officers: ìIíve crashed my car, Iíve had lots and lots to drink and I donít have a driving licence.î  He was breathalysed and registered a reading of 98 microgrammes of millilitres of breath - the legal limit is 35.  Masood, from Bradford, West Yorks., admitted driving while above the alcohol limit, driving without third party insurance and driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence.  But he walked free from court after magistrates heard he had refound his Muslim faith and was now teetotalUnlicensed drink-driver who was three times over the limit when he crashed his car avoids jail after court hears he has re-found Islam 

Asif Masood, 40, ploughed his Ford Focus into a fire hydrant in Nottingham after driving over a roundabout following a drinking binge on November 17 last year. Mail. (Mind you, would such a disposal have occurred where a Christian was concerned. Frankly - I doubt it!)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Church History.

Part 1 of an Easter message by Geoffrey Gibraltar Bishop Diocese of Europe.
When the Roman Emperor Constantine won a decisive battle at the Milvian Bridge in the year 312, he had a vision. Constantine thought he saw in the sky the Greek letters Chi-Rho – the first letters of the word Christ – with the words in hoc signo vincit – ‘in this sign, conquer’. Constantine won, and took control of the Roman Empire, bringing to an end the persecution of Christianity, and establishing it as a religio licita – a permitted religion, and then recognising it as the religion of the Roman Empire, even though he himself was not baptised until he was dying. The church historian, Eusebius of Caesarea, saw the conversion of Constantine as one of the great providential moments. Just as St Luke, at the end of the Acts of the Apostles, brings the Gospel to Rome, the political heart of the known world, so now the kingdoms of this world, and the Roman Empire in particular, ‘have become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ.’
Would that things were so simple. A millennium or more after Constantine, a German monk called Martin Luther, saw the corruption of the church and, in part, traced it back to Constantine. Had the church captured the empire, or the empire captured the church? The relation between church and state has always been ambiguous.
Jesus was put to death by both religious and political authorities. The Gospel accounts of his trial include exchanges with Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor whose name now echoes down the centuries through his place in the Creed: ‘he suffered under Pontius Pilate.’ Jesus tells Pilate that ‘his kingdom is not of this world.’ If it did belong to.
Spa View Community Church.

UKIP Great Deals For Our Veterans.

Dr Jack Willke, RIP.

Pro-Life Groups Mourn Loss of Movement's 'Towering Figure' Dr. Jack Willke

Jack Willke

Pro-life organizations are mourning the loss of 89-year-old Dr. Jack Willke, who was a major figure in the anti-abortion movement. Christian News.

UK's Worst Ever Interview Given By Leader of The Greens.

Two questions here:
1) Why all the surprise when this is a party with policies to terrify?
2) Why was she given so much sympathetic TV time in the aftermath?

Carswell On UKIP Policy.

Douglas Carswell, the country’s first MP representing the UK Independence Party, has praised the controversial politician Enoch Powell but said he was wrong on immigration policy.
Ahead of delivering a major speech on immigration, Mr Carswell, who defected from the Conservatives in October, said the party would introduce a points-based system for immigrants, allowing those with the skills needed by the British economy to be given priority.
His remarks about Mr Powell, the firebrand former Conservative MP who was accused of stirring up racial tension with a controversial 1968 speech referring to “rivers of blood,” are likely to attract interest at a time when Ukip is facing accusations of racism and anti-immigrant propaganda. Telegraph.

Renounce Islam And ...

A Saudi Arabian court has sentenced a man to death for apostasy after he filmed himself tearing up a copy of the Koran, a new test case for the country's human rights record just as its most powerful rising prince was visiting Downing Street. Telegraph.

Quite So.

Silly Money-grabbing Female.

This Is For You, Darling.

Acceptable Interference.

Now Catholics say how to vote: Bishops urge 4million followers to choose political candidates who back marriage

The advice drafted by bishops and launched by Cardinal Vincent Nichols was defended by the Bishop of Shrewsbury Mark Davies (pictured), who said it was a question of morals, not politics. Mail.


Brilliant - If It Happens!

End of the line for cold callers: New law to fine firms who bombard millions of Britons with unsolicited messages with fines of up to £500,000.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

St John Chrysostom.

Energy Issues The Same Both Sides Of The Pond.

Civil Rights Leader: Christians Should Find Increased Energy Costs Deeply Troubling
I've been saddened to see self-proclaimed Christian organizations recently throw their support behind these proposed regulations. Either they have not fully studied the consequences the regulations will bring, or their understanding of Christian values differs markedly from my own. These groups and other advocates of the regulations seem to think we must make a choice between protecting our environment and protecting low-cost, reliable electricity. Christian Post.

Regain Influence By Quitting The EU.

Pharisees and Sadducees.

Wolf Hall Brings 'em Out!

I see that the new series Wolf Hall has brought the feminists out in force. They (dreadful journalist Liz Jones at their fore) are claiming that the Claire Foy interpretation of Anne Boleyn is that of an admirable proto-feminist.

Strangely perhaps, I agree wholeheartedly. Ms Foy's portrayal of Boleyn is: petty, self-seeking, malicious, sans empathy, egregious, cold, brutal, calculating, vicious, lacking in understanding of her true situation and terminally petulant. Yup. That just about captures yer actual modern day feminist.

CofE Double Standards?

The Archbishop of Canterbury has admitted the revelations that some jobs in the Church of England are paying below the Living Wage - despite its calls to the contrary - are "embarrassing". AOL.

Liberal Logic.

England Win A World Cup Game ...

... but mind you, it was against a Scotland which has apparently never beaten a Test Nation in their entire history.

How It Is.

Meet The Ukippers.

One hatchet job on Channel 4 is followed in quick succession by another on BBC 2. What has been done is a crime against democracy. Where are the similar programmes looking at the Greens? How do the Tories and Labour escape unscathed?
Just UKIP, huh?

Monday, February 23, 2015

One Lunch or Fifty, Mr Kinnock?

Neil Kinnock thinks £250 is 'the cost of a lunch'. It's 50 lunches at the cafe round corner from my office. (And I don't get the cheap option!)
