Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ridiculous - Even If It Had Been A Christian.

Asif Masood.  An unlicensed drink-driver who was three times over the limit when he crashed his car has avoided jail - because he converted to ISLAM.  See NTI story NTIMUSLIM.  Sozzled Asif Masood, 40, ploughed his Ford Focus into a fire hydrant after driving over a roundabout following a drinking binge on November 17 last year.  Nottingham Magistrates' Court heard when police arrived at the scene in Strelley, Notts., at 1am they found him swaying next to the badly damaged car.  Masood told officers: ìIíve crashed my car, Iíve had lots and lots to drink and I donít have a driving licence.î  He was breathalysed and registered a reading of 98 microgrammes of millilitres of breath - the legal limit is 35.  Masood, from Bradford, West Yorks., admitted driving while above the alcohol limit, driving without third party insurance and driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence.  But he walked free from court after magistrates heard he had refound his Muslim faith and was now teetotalUnlicensed drink-driver who was three times over the limit when he crashed his car avoids jail after court hears he has re-found Islam 

Asif Masood, 40, ploughed his Ford Focus into a fire hydrant in Nottingham after driving over a roundabout following a drinking binge on November 17 last year. Mail. (Mind you, would such a disposal have occurred where a Christian was concerned. Frankly - I doubt it!)

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...