Sunday, April 26, 2015

EU And Europhiles Hammer Homeowners - Again!

British homeowners face higher mortgage costs 

because Cameron government again surrendered 

to the European Commission.

Posted on April 22
StevenWoolfe.jpegSteven Woolfe, UKIP MEP for the North West and spokesman on finance, said that British homeowners are today learning that they may be forced to pay thousands more for their mortgages "because the Cameron government has yet again capitulated to EU demands that more national control over regulation be handed to Brussels."

"In March next year EU regulators will tighten their grip on the UK mortgage market, forcing homeowners to take out more expensive loans. The Cameron government did not warn homeowners about this when they supported the Directive in Brussels. However, following press reports today, existing borrowers are now realising the EU will now force them to pass stricter affordability tests if they want to change lenders to take advantage of a cheaper mortgages rate."
