Wednesday, April 29, 2015

UKIP - Dynamic Ideas On Political Reform.


UKIP announces plans for political reform. Published Apr 13, 2015

Douglas Carswell and UKIP Leader Nigel 
Farage have announced UKIP's plans for political reform today in Clacton.
They announced that UKIP will bring forward a Citizen's Initiative, 
so the people of Britain can directly influence legislation. A national 
referendum will be held every two years on the most popular petition 
gathering over 2 million signatures and the outcome will be in the Queen's 
UKIP will also introduce real recall: the Tories have fudged their promise 
of recall to sack MPs, leaving it up to MPs and only 
allowing recall in certain circumstances. We will give genuine 
power to the people to sack their MP (or Councillor, etc). On 
voting reform. UKIP believes that the dated First Past the Post 
(FPTP) electoral system is no longer relevant in the four/five/six/ 
 party politics of the 21st century. We want a new electoral system 
in which every vote counts.
It has become increasingly obvious that the current situation with 
postal votes is not fit for purpose. We will tear up the current postal 
vote register and start again from scratch. There is fraud on a massive 
scale that's turned some areas into banana republics when it comes to 
voting. You must have a valid reason for needing a postal vote.
