Saturday, August 29, 2015

Alan Jones of UNITE Supports The EU.

Having got hold of a summer edition of UNITE WORKS magazine, I have devoured it with great interest.
The subtitle of Mr Jones' article is. "Why leaving the EU could be bad news for UK jobs."
Seldom have I encountered a sillier - but nonetheless, such a dangerous, piece of calculated tripe.
1) He mentions the support of business for the EU but fails to mention that these are principally the multinational conglomerates represented by the CBI which, incidentally, the left usually despises. Smaller businesses are weighed down by the burden of over-regulation which they cannot afford but larger rivals can. They actually welcome it as it helps destroy competition.
2) It implies, without any evidence, that contracts and trade will be lost.
3) It makes no mention of how rampant immigration is hitting the workforce. (I would lay good odds that he is one who would use the phrase, "Immigrants do the jobs British people will not do," - undoubtedly ignoring the inherent racism in that thinking and pretending that the refusal of people to work should go unpunished in financial terms.)
4) A union convenor who is quoted strongly suggests that firms such as Airbus will lose trade links. This, of course, ignores the fact that WE ARE IN A MAJOR TRADE DEFICIT WITH THE EU thus guaranteeing that we have them by the short hairs!
5) At least, Mr Jones only speaks of 'hundreds of thousands of job losses' rather than follow the absurd 3 million claim of the europhile Liberal Democrats. Both are wrong. The main job losses for the UK will be amongst our MEPs and their staff.
6) The nonsensical claim that major nations will be unlikely to trade with the UK if not in the EU is a risible and transparent piece of purest mendacity which is too stupid for me to even bother to refute.
7) 'A 9.5% fall in GDP'. An horrendous LIE!
8) 'Employees have benefited from EU employment regulation.' (Well Jonathan Arnott MEP dealt with that piece of dishonesty in a recent piece on this very Blog and in the Huffington Post.) Even if true - what would it have to do with the price  of fish? - But no, don't get me started on the iniquitous CFP!
9) 'Uncertainty' is promised. Well, there is a darn sight more uncertainty within the economically failing EU than outside it as its percentage of world trade drops annually and has been doing so for decades.

What a wretchedly distorted article this was. Vague opinions taking the place of facts - but with that nastiest of all diseases, europhilia, it was ever thus!
